21 MORE nooby Python habits Published 2023-03-13 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 15:32 Python Generators 21:07 super/MRO, Python's most misunderstood feature. 25:59 5 Tips for Writing Clean Python Code 17:35 5 Good Python Habits 08:40 5 Signs of an Inexperienced Self-Taught Developer (and how to fix) 14:54 15 Python Libraries You Should Know About 15:45 Metaclasses in Python 19:12 I Feel Bad For New Programmers 09:59 The real purpose of Python's match statement, feat. CSTs 05:08 What's new in Python 3.13? 09:12 25 nooby Python habits you need to ditch 14:11 Every Python dev falls for this (name mangling) 21:32 Modern Python logging 09:48 Which Python @dataclass is best? Feat. Pydantic, NamedTuple, attrs... 07:32 You should put this in all your Python scripts | if __name__ == '__main__': ... 12:03 Enums Explained In Under 12 Minutes In Python 21:33 Comparing 10 programming languages. I built the same app in all of them. 19:25 Branchless Programming: Why "If" is Sloowww... and what we can do about it! 08:20 Lambda in a Loop is a Code Smell 08:35 str vs bytes in Python Similar videos 02:22 Java for the Haters in 100 Seconds 16:18 31 nooby C++ habits you need to ditch 00:50 Catching All Exceptions Will Break Your Code // Python Tips 03:46 Don't make this big O mistake! 05:08 10 Python Coding Habits You Need to Ditch 11:30 25 Nooby Pandas Coding Mistakes You Should NEVER make. 03:40 Java is mounting a huge comeback 05:36 A forbidden Python technique to put ANYTHING in a dict or set. 00:15 Growing up Pentecostal... #short 07:21 Python's creator wishes this feature never existed 06:21 Why I prefer attrs over dataclasses 05:03 How C++ took a turn for the worse 07:58 2-Minute Rule to Learn Coding - Atomic Habits 00:52 Simple cheat code for making music! 00:30 Bunion Correction 😨 (explained) 19:27 The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU More results