Video blocked 22 Days Sailing Alone Across the Pacific Recommendations 27:49 Sailing Singlehanded to the Tuamotus 57:56 SOLO PACIFIC: Sailing Alone to Hawaii from Los Angeles in a 37’ Vintage Yawl 12:47 最慘影后晚年淒涼!銷聲匿跡直到離奇暴斃被發現 (精選回顧) 1:29:56 Sailing From Australia to Southeast Asia on a 30ft sailboat; Rhonda's First Ocean Passage 15:50 I left the city to fix a rotting boat in the woods - Letter 1 37:20 The Reality of Sailing Across the Pacific Ocean (Part 1) - Episode 109 2:02:30 Preparing My Boat for a 3500 Mile Adventure 22:50 The Sailing Adventure Continues 14:40 On Deck: Aluminum, 12 Years On the Hard, Monohaull | Ep 1 29:39 AWESOME SAILING & A FREAKIN' FISHIN' FRENZY! | EPISODE 275 15:16 We have lost all power !!! SURVIVING the FLOODS on our Narrowboat 1:13:39 Sailing Alone to Australia over 1200 Miles Across the Tasman Sea on a 30ft Sailboat 55:00 Restoring Our 50 Year Old Yacht in 6 Months | Start to Finish 48:25 Alone on a NORDHAVN N51 - What’s that like? 26:24 Solo Atlantic Crossing on a WHARRAM 19:39 Couple DIES on Private Yacht! 31:16 My Boat has a Very Serious Problem - Dry Rot 39:16 Sailing across the Pacific on a million dollar sailboat (pt 1) 12:42 Sailing alone. How? The technical issues for solo sailing across oceans 31:08 Our Incredible First Year of Catamaran Ownership Similar videos 13:57 Sailing Alone 11,500 Nautical Miles Across The Entire Pacific Ocean on a $2400 Sailboat 00:21 28 foot yacht semi knock down by breaking wave in stormy seas 24:26 19 year old crossing the Pacific alone 40:54 23 days alone across the Atlantic in a small boat 1:04:20 Sailing Alone from Hawaii to French Polynesia on a 30ft boat; 26 days at Sea and 2323 Nautical Miles 01:07 Boat Technician Films Storm At Cape Cod 45:21 Alone across the Atlantic pt 2 23:03 10 | Crossing the Pacific Ocean on a Wooden Boat 55:35 Sailing Solo across the Pacific Ocean - Hawaii to the Marshall Islands - 21 Days Alone at Sea 02:50 Abandoned Sailboat! In the Atlantic Ocean 21:47 Our Worst Storm Yet 25:29 SOLO Atlantic Crossing on a TINY 18ft(5m) sailboat - Full tour and interview - Sailing on a budget 39:45 Solo sailing Los Angeles to Hawaii on 23ft boat 12:49 Battling the Storm of a Lifetime | Crossing the Atlantic in our 40 ft Sailboat 2023 1:12:22 Sailing to Hawaii Singlehanded on a Small Trimaran Between Two Hurricanes 24:32 Smashed in 60 knots & 6m seas sailing to Australia - Part 2 25:07 Crossing the Pacific alone p.2 12:26 Single Handed Sailing from Australia to Fiji (Ep3) More results