4 METHODS to Filter by a List in Power Query | Excel Off The Grid Published 2023-04-06 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 12:29 Power Query parameters | Add flexibility to your queries | Excel Off The Grid 18:40 Power Query - Avoid "Helper Queries" (+10 Cool Tricks) 09:20 Filter All in Power Query | Excel Off The Grid 09:37 Automate reconciliations with Power Query | Excel Off The Grid 14:17 Excel Dynamic Search Box Tutorial | Find Anything | Multi-Column Search 07:12 You DON'T Need PivotTables Anymore (Here Is Why) 13:38 Power Query - Faster & Easier Parameters 39:38 Start Automating your Excel Workbooks with Power Query (Webinar) 06:02 Dynamic Filter by a Range of Values in Power Query 12:45 Expand columns dynamically in Power Query (THE RIGHT WAY!) | Excel Off The Grid 16:35 How to use Microsoft Power Query 09:58 each & underscore_ in Power Query Explained 08:14 Transform nested tables in Power Query (without writing M coding) | Excel Off The Grid 33:17 12 Methods to Clean Data in Excel using Power Query 09:26 Master Data Cleaning with Power Query in Excel in 9 Minutes 13:22 Using SUMIFS with arrays | Excel problem... Solved! | Excel Off The Grid 17:10 How to easily automate boring Excel tasks with Power Query! 14:27 The Magic of working with Lists in Power Query Similar videos 05:46 How to FIlter by a List in Excel | Excel Off The Grid 05:17 Filtering a Table to a Dynamic List of Values using Power Query and Power BI 07:41 Power Query: How to mass replace values based on a list | Excel Off The Grid 10:40 Power Query - Filtering By a List 05:20 Filter Column by List Items (Exact Match) in Power Query 12:13 3 ways of filtering data using dynamic lists - Power Query (Excel and Power BI) 12:29 Get all possible combinations from multiple lists in Excel using Power Query | Excel Off The Grid 05:50 Power Query: Connect to Files in a List | Excel Off The Grid 06:40 Power Query - Filter Rows with Maximum N Values 11:52 Filter Based on Cell Values in Power Query | DYNAMIC Power Query Filters 02:27 Power Query Challenge: FILTER BY A LIST OF VALUES (ignOre caSe seNsiTiviTy) (PQC03) 05:29 How to Filter Data in Excel with Power Query and Multiple Criteria. 05:57 Power Query - Parameters & Filtering 10:39 VLOOKUP in Power Query Using List Functions 20:25 Excel Power Query Parameter from a Cell Value (using a Named Range or a Table) More results