Video blocked [67] Sharing both routines. If worried about Freckles, pigmentation❗️ Please change the base first. Recommendations 21:00 🟣피부과 망할 각오로 밝힙니다. 10년 젊어보이는 피부습관 3가지 - 성현철 원장 '20분 트렌드과외' 16:56 (*Eng) 미백 제품 발라도 효과 없었던 이유? 잡티, 기미, 흔적에 효과적인 업그레이드템 찾기 by 디렉터파이 23:56 (*Eng) 2024 앰플, 세럼 1위는?🥇 28종 구매 추천! 모공, 진정, 톤 개선, 탄력 세럼 TOP을 찾아라! Best Serums by Directorpi 11:26 토너(스킨)를 안 써야 피부가 좋아집니다.ㅣ예민하고 건조한 피부 집에서 쉽게 피부 좋아지는 방법, 딱 이 ‘3가지’를 실천해주세요 - 피부과전문의 닥터피부광 14:54 Why the drop in customers? Blame the Culinary Class Wars! 20:33 [78] Doesn't pure vitamin-c fit you? Then be younger with antioxidant skincare routine. 17:07 [41]Thesis Base Analysis! 6 Ingredients To Reduce Melasma and Pigmentation At Home And Really 23:06 (*Eng) 2023 비타민C 앰플 1위는?🥇여드름 흔적, 색소침착 관리하려면 이걸 보세요! Best Vitamin C Serums 15:06 공복혈당 286에서 정상까지! 당뇨, 혈압 관리에 추천하는 '이것' 11:47 🔥Really fast effect guaranteed🔥Skincare routine to get rid of pigmentation w/home care only(Ads X) 16:30 2024 Hyaluronic Acid Serum Summary 15:00 ❗️1+1 Event Ongoing❗️Sharing current skincare routine and some tips. misconceptions about VitaminC 24:52 (*Eng) 2024 수분크림 1위는?🥇30여 종 구매 추천?! 여드름, 붉은기, 건조한 피부 다 모여!! Best Moisturizers by 디렉터파이 17:24 40대 동안 의사가 요즘 효과보고있는 ‘깐달걀 나이트케어 루틴’ 공개! | 실제 사용 제품 포함 21:49 No Advertisement‼️10s and 20s will never know😢Realistic way to become 10 times prettier... 10:10 [Eng] The Right Way to Use Vitamin C Serum l Avoid These Common Mistakes! 18:01 Празни опаковки Корейска козметика за начинаещи 12:13 [Eng] (Not sponsored❌) Perfect Cream for Regeneration! See the Product Used by a Dermatologist 🔥 16:41 Life-Changing Essentials I Keep Repurchasing 15:39 Vitamin C is the best ingredient to prevent spots, blemishes, pigmentation, and fine wrinkles! Similar videos 07:10 Why Foundation Separates on YOUR Nose & How To Fix It!! 05:45 homemade carrot oil for dark spots and skin glow, carrot oil for fairness 1:58:20 200 TRUE FACTS ABOUT EVERYTHING YOU DON'T KNOW 21:11 lets sit and play with some makeup ive never tried 16:49 🤯SHOCKING👀Castor Oil results after 60 Days! 48:02 BRONZE AND BLUSH: SPRINGTIME MAKEUP TUTORIAL! | Full Face Makeover In Real Time 10:42 त्वचा की मुश्किल समस्या जैसे झाइयाँ HYPER PIGMENTATION, DARK SPOTS का 100% इलाज़ सिर्फ 1 हफ्ते में💕 49:42 Discover cosmelan®: Your Guide to Advanced Depigmentation Treatment 7:42:50 1000 INCREDIBLE FACTS YOU DIDN'T KNOW 10:36 8 TIPS to lighten dark inner thighs FAST| Dr Dray 23:28 I'm here to teach you how I make my makeup look like skinnn 58:09 Practical Insights for Successful IPL & RF Integration into an Optometric Practice 17:48 GRWM Trying Out New Makeup! 23:39 Full-Coverage Look - How I Do My Makeup for Photo Shoots! | 2018 2:31:34 Day 1 | Ocular Melanoma Patient & Caregiver Symposium 2023 1:16:40 [Full] Natural Face Mask Ingredient Recommendations By Skin Type 49:21 The BEST and WORST Makeup of 2023...SO FAR! 53:44 Basal Cell Carcinoma 25:53 Reacting To "THE BEST" Tiktok Hacks | PRO MUA REACTS More results