Video blocked 87岁奶奶以前从没想过来养老院,现在觉得来养老院是最佳之路【小徐身边的养老故事】 Recommendations 23:24 Upper-intermediate | Traditional Chinese Paintings 07:12 A total of 2,800 yuan per month for room and board in a high-end room in a nursing home? 08:03 拥有绿卡的老两口也要回国到这来养老,此期视频是由我们的入住老人杨阿姨拍摄 11:42 Обычная Домашняя Кошка стала Приёмной Мамой для Четырёх Осиротевших Бельчат 05:42 The 80-year-old uncle talked about his feelings about staying in for a month and a half. 07:50 An 80-year-old couple staying in a nursing home for five months, how much is each month? 04:01 At lunch in the nursing home I met a family of three who had passed the 520. I was happy and moved 13:19 福州人氣最旺的菜場 -先鋒菜場|早市 03:26 In order to get 86-year-old Grandpa Zhang out of bed for exercise he was ”coerced and induced” bu 27:39 2024年11月19日 呂奇 傳奇人生 - 汪曼玲《快拍。曼鏡頭》 01:48 The 76-year-old aunt was admitted to the nursing home for 7 days and two pressure sores on her bod 02:41 选择养老机构一定要选择适合自己的,我这真的不适合自理老人住。 02:44 What is the pension institution in the center of Weihai city that combines medical care and nursing 02:25 When choosing a nursing home for the elderly you must choose the one that suits him.# Disable Elde Similar videos 22:19 【听听老人们怎么说合集】87岁奶奶以前从未想过来养老院,现在觉得来养老院是最佳之路,其中有何隐情? 07:24 87岁大爷为什么不跟儿子一块住,来住养老院,儿子不孝顺?【小徐身边的养老故事】 06:52 83岁奶奶从来不考虑来养老院,居家式养老让她改变了看法。【小徐身边的养老故事】 06:13 85岁奶奶说养老院,不想住就什么都不好,想住就什么都好【小徐身边的养老故事】 08:44 老伴临终前遗嘱上让她来养老院,现在她的生活怎么样?【小徐身边的养老故事】 05:06 养老院里的“姐弟恋”,陪伴养老。 大爷这辈子还没结过婚【小徐身边的养老故事】 05:33 养老院里的河北同乡会,70岁奶奶分享她的养老历程,96岁的父亲启发了她【小徐身边的养老故事】 04:08 79岁山西奶奶独自到威海养老,谈及养老院和家里区别,做了总结~【小徐身边的养老故事】 04:06 敬老院不是谁都能进的,想要免费养老得符合条件,养老院和敬老院有什么区别【小徐身边的养老故事】 12:07 近90岁老两口说:养老指望不上子女,只能靠自己!【小徐身边的养老故事】 06:53 An 80-year-old couple from Anhui to Rongcheng, Shandong to inspect nursing homes 09:41 家在养老院附近 能自理为什么来住养老院? 听听他们怎么说。【小徐身边的养老故事】 07:15 Why doesn't the 94-year-old man live with his children and come to the nursing home alone 07:57 65岁阿姨在养老院,每天生活丰富多彩,虽然很多人不理解【小徐身边的养老故事】 05:23 65岁的叔叔为什么选择来养老院?他说:“退休后哪里都是家”【小徐身边的养老故事】 05:21 养老院里合唱队排练,年龄最大80多岁,最小60出头。【小徐身边的养老故事】 09:01 养老院的老人们幸福吗?看看护理员的培训就知道了,每个人都会变老,将心比心!【小徐身边的养老故事】 09:45 60多岁老两口从浙江来到威海养老院,朋友都认为他们是“神经病”【小徐身边的养老故事】 05:58 老两口每月退休金共有9000多,看看他们在养老院住的怎么样【小徐身边的养老故事】 More results