Video blocked 8x19COScene8 Recommendations 10:25 Meredith and Derek 4.16-4.17 part 1 of 2 02:06 Christina Yang Bartending 03:16 GA 2x18 02:08 Meredith and Derek 8x19 #7 03:09 Meredith, Cristina, and Alex being comedic best friends for 3 minutes 06:48 Grey's Anatomy: Cristina & Owen's Greatest Moments 10:02 10 Greatest Betrayals in Grey's Anatomy 02:36 8x17 Cristina & Owen Final Scene 05:56 cristina yang craving surgery for five minutes straight 02:09 Grey's Anatomy 8x12 - Owen and Yang "You killed our baby" 25:15 Grey's Anatomy: Best of Season 7 03:14 2x25 Derek, Addison, and Meredith...a 02:40 Jackson & Cristina "I think She knows" 01:54 8x19COScene6 01:28 Cristina/Meredith funny scene - "RUN !" - 5x06 - Grey's Anatomy 02:39 grey's anatomy break on through 03:35 Grey's Anatomy| Season 8 - episode 16| If Only You Were Lonely| Owen/Cristina| Moments 02:08 Grey's Anatomy 8x19: Christina & Owen Bathroom scene 04:44 Callie & Arizona 10x15: Part 1 03:30 7x17 - This Is How We Do It - Baby Shower Similar videos 01:06 8x19COScene7 01:23 Grey's Anatomy 8x19 "Merder" 01:00 Grey's Anatomy 8x19 Christina & Owen 01:02 8x18 A Human Mistake 00:57 Grey's Anatomy: 8x19 Christina and Owen 02:06 8x19COScene5 01:56 8x19COScene2 01:02 8x19COScene3 01:02 8x18 Meredith with Cristina/Owen 02:13 8x19COscene4 00:33 Grey's Anatomy 8x18 Cristina/Owen/Mereidth 01:31 9x22OwenandCristina 02:23 8x19COScene1 00:30 8x20 Grey's Anatomy promo 00:21 CO 8x23 SLOMO promo 00:11 CRISTINA😻🫶 More results