Video blocked A coffee break 一杯咖啡的時光 - Guitar music #relax #guitar #coffeetime #morningcoffee Recommendations 1:01:17 Paris Jazz : Smooth Night Music at Eiffel Tower Cafe. Romantic Exquisite Chanson. Relaxing Good Mood 1:21:26 Soothing Music For The Nerves 🌿 Healing Music For The Heart, Blood Vessels And Relaxation 1:03:59 專注音樂Focus Music|在雨後的咖啡館裡,品味一杯咖啡,專注而放鬆地閱讀一本書 1:00:01 A Coffee break 秋天的咖啡 - chill, relax, autumn, coffee music #relax #coffeetime #jazz 1:00:22 早晨音樂Morning Music|金色的晨光,充滿活力與希望,指引我們邁向美好的一天 1:01:53 Autumn Chill | Soulful Sounds for Cozy Vibes 1:16:04 【100%無廣告輕音樂】緩解壓力的治癒音樂丨消除負面情緒, 淨化心靈, 壓力焦慮瞬間消除丨1 hours relaxing music for STRESS RELIEF~ 2:09:56 [playlist] 조용한 공간과 부드러운 재즈 음악 - 훌륭한 조합이 휴식을 만들어냅니다 | Piano JAZZ 50:06 Natural Sonic「朝の美味しいコーヒーとボサノヴァ」 - 気分よく1日を始められるBGM -