A Rescue Mission by a wildlife team: Humanity at its best, showing what humans can do Published 2018-04-11 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 09:11 Elephants rescued by helicopter 🐘🚁 - Equator from the Air - BBC 20:27 Injured Huge Tusker ! 12:00 Baby elephant refuses to leave its trapped mother | Unbreakable bond 28:14 Elephants get rapid medical treatment for their sickness | lifesaving medical care for elephants 20:17 Saving an Elephant from a Deadly Snare #SL WILD TV 12:41 A series of horrific elephant attack incidents in one video. 13:13 Rhino Traffic Jam Kruger National Park Biggest Road Block Ever 22:04 One monster elephant that survived the unthinkable. Saved by the Wildlife team 15:34 When Animals Go On A Rampage And Got Caught On Camera ! 14:38 World Top Wild Elephant Attack On The Forest Road. 33:40 An Elephant Entrapped in well with mud 35:55 A Touching Family Reunion : Humans Rescue an Elephant Family from a Canal 14:33 Buffalo Get SAVED by RANGERS and ATTACK vehicles!!! 09:33 Heart stopping movement terrible elephant attack Lori with passengers 10:36 One day old baby elephant left behind by elephant herd, Saved! 12:40 Faith in Humanity restored. An elephant stucked by a canal saved by humans 1:00:26 The FUNNIEST Animal Shorts Ever! 24:12 Elephant rescue mission: STUCK ON A DAM! 09:19 Baby elephant rescue operation in Sri Lanka(Udawalawa) 23:27 Injured Baby elephant ! Similar videos 07:15 A Wildlife Team Looks After Cute Little Elephants: A touch of humanity (part 1) 05:55 Rescue Mission For A Calm Elephant: Humanity Reaching Out 09:42 Elephant Rescue Mission by a wildlife team and Forest Officers | Indian Video Zone 17:34 One of the wildlife field officers' most extended and impossible missions is to rescue an elephant 01:31 Top best compilation video of elephant rescue in 2018 50:07 Chillies to the Rescue - Easing the Human-Elephant Conflict | Go Wild 06:58 A mighty tusker overwhelmed a farming village: A wildlife team mission 2:33:58 Health, Human Services and Equity Cmte: State of the Human Services Sector 00:24 A happy ending - Watch the inspiring rescue of these stingray fish 🥺 #shorts 08:23 Humanity! Limping Elephant suffering with tumor in injured leg,gets treated by sympathetic people 09:45 Injured Elephant: Humanity doing it's very best to save an Elephant as if it were one of them 08:13 Heartwarming Animal Rescues: Humanity at Its Best 16:31 Hunters’ trap caught the trunk of a big elephant |wildlife team saves elephant’s trunk from trap 00:40 Elephant trusted humans, rescued by rescue team|| #shorts #facts #animal 08:55 Elephant trapped with a wire is helpless. Wildlife team to the rescue 07:45 A Rescue Mission By Wildlife Team #discovery #vlog #snake #rescue #python #documentary #gogreen 20:04 An Elephant Invaded A Human Village: No harm, No Foul, A Story of Averted Danger 00:16 Wild animals rescue tean 06:47 Humanity At Its Best More results