Are There Problems That Computers Can't Solve?
Published 2020-05-11Download video
11:25 The Worst Typo I Ever Made
14:59 What happens at the Boundary of Computation?
08:46 Turing machines explained visually
19:44 P vs. NP: The Biggest Puzzle in Computer Science
08:21 Five Things You Can't Do On British Television
17:30 This is why we can't have nice things
13:17 Why are there no bridges in East London?
24:55 Are We All Wrong About AI?
14:41 How 3 Phase Power works: why 3 phases?
12:07 Every mistake I've made since 2014.
20:24 The Impossible Problem NO ONE Can Solve (The Halting Problem)
08:44 Why Computers Can't Count Sometimes
12:09 I promise this story about microwaves is interesting.
06:14 Turing & The Halting Problem - Computerphile
20:47 The Genius Behind the Quantum Navigation Breakthrough
15:21 Why π^π^π^π could be an integer (for all we know!).
08:08 Why TRUE + TRUE = 2: Data Types
26:31 Sympathy for the Machine
09:51 Why The Web Is Such A Mess
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