03:12 Republic of China March: 死不了的中國 - Immortal China
03:43 北洋軍軍歌 (全歌詞演唱版) - Beiyang Army Training Song from Warlord Era China (Vocal Version) 張作霖大帥練兵歌
02:06 Qing Dynasty March: 北洋水师军歌 - Song of the Beiyang Fleet (Ten Thousand Nations Celebrate)
03:30 Korea Does What it's Determined to do - North Korean Patriotic Song - 조선은 결심하면 한다
09:49 Evolution of "March of the volunteers" Chinese national anthem 义勇军进行曲的演变
03:05 [Eng Sub] Soul of the Chinese Army / 中国军魂 (Chinese Song)
02:26 大帥練兵歌(北洋軍軍歌) - Chinese Soldier's Training Song
01:00 中華民國國民政府-國旗歌 Nationalist Government of the Republic of China Flag Anthem
03:43 当那一天来临 - When That Day Comes
01:48 Beiyang China March: 北洋軍軍歌 - The Beiyang Army Song
58:58 Chinese March Medley (1 HOUR)
01:40 The Beiyang Army Training Song 北洋軍軍歌.
02:53 【EN Subs】《Immortal China》死不了的中國 -國民革命軍第五十七師軍歌(Song of 57th division of National Revolutionary Army)
06:15 mao zedong propaganda music Red Sun in the Sky
01:52 Qing Empire/Qing dynasty (1644–1912) Anthem of the Beyang Fleet "'北洋水师军歌'"
01:36 Three Principles of the People (三民主義) - National Anthem of the Republic of China
04:46 "Красная Армия всех сильней" - Red Army March (White Army, Black Baron)
02:24 Imperial Japanese March - Miya San Miya San
02:13 Whampoa men is the most grand and heroic [Military Song of the Republic of China](黃埔男兒最豪壯)
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