33:42 BEPS Pillar Two GloBE Rules - Calculating top-up tax
20:11 Pillar Two Is Coming: Key Issues for U.S. Multinationals
24:20 Part 1 Module 2: Pillar Two - Safe harbour and calculations overview
33:22 BEPS Pillar Two GloBE Rules - Charging mechanisms
18:00 BEPS Pillar Two GloBE Rules - Timing differences and re-fundable tax credits
14:31 Deep dive into the OECD’s Pillar One – Amount B
16:44 BEPS Pillar 2 is coming: Book accounting considerations
54:36 Pillar Two: Made Simple and Practical Live Webinar
41:43 Cross-border Tax Talks Podcast | PILLAR TWO SAFE HARBORS: THE CbyC JOURNEY | David Ernick
13:07 OECD Pillar 2: Applying the legislation - 02
27:54 Pillar Two: A look at global safe harbor qualifications
24:28 What is Global Minimum Tax?
55:21 UAE CT: Pillar Two I Pillar One I OECD I BEPS I GloBE Rules I IIR, UTPR, STTR Rule and QDMTT Rules
1:32:04 OECD BEPS 2.0 Two Pillar approach - reforming the international tax system for the 21st century
1:50:33 OECD technical webinar on the Multilateral Convention to Implement Amount A of Pillar One
47:58 UAE CT: Pillar Two Tools I OECD I BEPS I GloBE Rules I IIR, UTPR, STTR Rule and QDMTT Rules
49:32 Getting ready for OECD Pillar Two
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