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Explorance Blue, UCT's new course evaluation tool integrated with Amathuba.
03:13 Turnitin
1:03:40 Visions of leadership: Dr Price and Prof Moshabela reflect on UCT’s past and future
1:11:59 Postgraduate Law studies at UCT - information session 24 Aug 2021
57:51 Using AI in everyday work practices
1:00:11 Participatory modelling – how can service users support development of machine learning models?
58:20 Think Fast, Talk Smart: Communication Techniques
2:27:01 Chancellor Installation
1:27:03 VC’s Open Lecture: Professor Thuli Madonsela
18:04 Faculty: Creating D2L Surveys
1:00:27 How should universities be shaping their curricula to prepare students for an AI future.
46:23 Process Management: A Catalyst for Positive Culture Change
42:25 Webinar How an Auditor Views the Double Materiality Analysis
10:35 LLM in the Law of Mineral and Petroleum Extraction and Use Information Session
24:16 Why you should choose Humanities
50:49 UCT-VC Presentation by Candidate Prof Vivienne Lawack (21 Feb 201)
3:54:20 🔥Project Management Full Course 2022 | Project Management Tutorial | Project Management| Simplilearn
1:03:43 How to Speak
28:23 Geomatics
59:26 Your PGCE Roadmap for Change | University of Cape Town
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