Extravagant Abandoned French HOUSE of a Spitz Dog Trainer (HUNDREDS OF OLDTIMERS FOUND)
Published 2021-02-03Download video
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52:23 Courtly Abandoned Mansion of an Italian Wine Lord - Unravelling Family Mysteries
1:14:51 We Bought An Abandoned Farm in France - One Year Progress.
1:30:29 3 Years Alone In The Forest Building A Log Cabin
1:27:23 Podcast Smrtelník, díl 3 – prof. Bárta VS Dejčmar & Kyša
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49:16 A family Lived in Solitude for 60 years in their Abandoned Spanish House!
1:31:38 Egypt: treasures, trafficking and adventures in the land of the pharaohs - Full in English language
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