29:29 Top 35 Flutter Widgets
01:58 PhysicalModel (Flutter Widget of the Week)
02:57 Freezed (Package of the Week)
01:57 ScaffoldMessenger (Widget of the Week)
06:33 Widgets vs helper methods | Decoding Flutter
26:50 How Flutter renders Widgets
02:01 RefreshIndicator (Flutter Widget of the Week)
02:01 NavigationRail (Widget of the Week)
02:16 Collection (Flutter Package of the Week)
07:51 Flutter Tutorial - How To Use Flow Widget | Control Multiple Animations
09:40 When to Use Keys - Flutter Widgets 101 Ep. 4
37:34 Building scrolling experiences in Flutter | Workshop
03:23 Theme (Flutter Hallowidget of the Week)
04:31 ShrinkWrap vs Slivers | Decoding Flutter
01:43 Connectivity (Flutter Package of the Week)
06:08 How to choose which Flutter Animation Widget is right for you? - Flutter in Focus
02:16 sensors_plus (Flutter Package of the Week)
22:46 Buildship + FlutterFlow - THE ONLY 2 NO-CODE TOOLS YOU NEED TO BUILD AN APP
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