13:10 Tinkercad Tutorial - Create a Working Hinge for 3D Printing (Advanced)
11:58 Putting Details on Curved Objects in Tinkercad!
13:17 TinkerCad Workflows - Rapid Design Tricks & Supports
24:19 Sliding lid box - beginner/intermediate Tinkercad
04:36 Wrapping Text In Tinkercad
26:20 Putting Curved Text on a Ring in TinkerCAD
11:40 TinkerCAD tutorial- molds
13:57 How To | Revolving objects in TinkerCad
04:45 How to Emboss text on a curved surface -TinkerCAD
04:39 Tinkercad - How to wrap text
11:12 TinkerCAD Curved Text
08:15 Make Tapered Text for 3d printing FAST using Tinkercad
09:43 Complex Shapes Tinkercad
06:17 How to Hollow Out Objects in Tinkercad - Shelling Tutorial
24:10 How to modify STL files with Tinkercad - split, cut and combine any STL design from thingiverse etc
06:08 Making a Cookie Cutter using Tinkercad
04:06 TinkerCAD Lesson #6: Internal Threads
10:04 Wie macht man einen Lochkreis in Tinkercad? ► Anleitung Tutorial Deutsch
16:55 Filleting Corners in TinkerCAD
17:34 TinkerCad Workflows - Designing a Camera Bracket Part 1!
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