Hymiskviða / Hymiskvitha / Hymiskvida (complete) in Old Norse and English.
Published 2023-07-26Download video
13:09 'Atlakviða' in Old Norse (intro., st. 1-4)
05:47 Joe Rogan Reacts to CRAZY Viking War Chant
21:36 Hávamál: The Norse Poem of Odin's Wisdom
16:00 Old Norse "Positive Fatalism"
19:33 Seiðr Magic and Gender
29:59 The Havamal - A Complete Telling of the whole poem
14:10 OLD NORSE IN ENGLISH: The words the Vikings left behind
19:12 Oldest Records of Indo-European Languages
13:55 Old Norse Influence on Northern English
22:18 'Alu': A Mystery Runic Word
33:28 The Sun in Norse Myth
39:32 Alvíssmál (complete) in Old Norse and English
25:56 The Afterlife and Hel in Norse Myth
20:12 The Old Norse in "Vikings"
14:07 German and English Cognates - A Little Analysis
32:59 Signs of Ragnarok I
44:51 The Northman (Norse Expert's Thoughts)
15:39 Vegvisir isn't a Viking Age Symbol
05:26 24 Norse Life Rules (Lessons From the Vikings)
10:13 The Mysterious Origins of Odin's Havamal
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