Last Days on Land for Our Boat - Week 29 - Vintage Yacht Restoration Vlog
Published 2021-04-27Download video
25:00 Our Boat Project goes into the Water - Week 30 - Vintage Yacht Restoration Vlog
25:20 Building Ferrari's all electric wooden boat. (Part 2)
25:58 TRASHLINER Boat Consolidated (All 3 videos cut down to one)
17:09 40ft Steel Boat Solo Anchoring - Ep. #34 - Vintage Yacht Restoration Vlog
08:09 52' Twin Screw Hike Built Steel Cruiser/Trawler For Sale!
12:06 Man Turns Massive Water Tank into Amazing Boat | Start to Finish by @MustaqimMuhammadHatta
12:51 Restoring a Neglected 40 Year Old Yacht | Ep. 1
24:07 Process of building a ship. Incredible scale! Japan's largest pleasure boat manufacturing facility.
25:52 £2000 Yacht TIMELAPSE TRANSFORMATION - 16months in minutes #76
11:57 Project Y Ep 20 - 1 year restoration of a steel ship. - Part 1
29:01 Plywood yacht for self-construction, complete process of assembling the boat hull in 30 min DIY boat
26:23 The entire process of making FRP fishing boats in Korea. 100 days record
21:50 I built my own yacht for free
41:53 ABANDONED BARN FIND First Wash In 10 Years! Nasty Ski Boat | Satisfying Car Detailing Restoration!!
20:16 INCREDIBLE $5k Boat Transformation in Mins Timelapse Sailing GBU
36:44 Amazing Full DIY Process Crafting a Classic Boat // Woodworking Creative New Projects
13:52 1 Month in 10Min! Tiny Boat Restoration! (Timelapse)
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