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Lua - Clube Caronte de Astronomia (20/12/2012)
14:44 Incredible Moments Caught On Camera
25:01 REAL TIME - Artemis 1 Orion Re-Entry
1:01:21 Best Fails of the Decade | Try Not to Laugh
11:56 Bright Stars of Orion - Betelgeuse, Rigel, Bellatrix, Belt Stars
15:18 How did the Space Shuttle launch work?
11:15 BR-153 em União da Vitória
20:46 Neil deGrasse Tyson on Greek channel Astronio | Astronio Live (#4)
11:33 The BEST Telescope for Beginners (What You Need to Know)
04:13 DESI VR Flight Stereoscopic
11:31 Idiots Around Europe! Try Not To Laugh!
21:20 Animals will break your heart 😂 Cute and funny animals 2024 😍
20:59 Na výlet do vesmíru
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