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Monsters: Tolkien and the Critics
18:05 Tolkien and Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics
27:02 J R R Tolkien, The Monsters and the Critics
20:10 Study Guide for Beowulf
04:27 Beowulf - Thug Notes Summary and Analysis
03:06 The Canterbury Tales | The Miller's Tale Summary & Analysis | Geoffrey Chaucer
06:51 "Beowulf" - Poem Summary
07:46 Beowulf: Poem by Anglo Saxons in Hindi
21:00 The Bulgars & The Birth of Bulgaria [632 C.E TO 681 C.E]
15:44 Monster Culture Seven Theses
43:52 E366 Navigating the Bible: Revelation
2:46:12 Beowulf (FULL Audiobook)
01:54 Borges about Tolkien - Borges acerca de Tolkien.
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