Most Published Medical Research is Wrong
Published 2016-12-05Download video
20:01 Diagnostic Frameworks and Differential Diagnoses (Strong Diagnosis)
14:22 An Introduction to Evidence Based Medicine
22:21 Summary Statements and Semantic Qualifiers (Strong Diagnosis)
12:22 Is Most Published Research Wrong?
23:55 John Ioannidis - Why most clinical research is not useful
08:35 What Huberman Gets Wrong About Health
08:13 "Why Most Published Research Findings are False" Part I
26:45 Interpretation of LFTs (Liver Function Tests)
10:17 5 Things Medicare Doesn't Cover (and how to get them covered)
08:40 How to Appraise a Clinical Trial - Part 1
16:59 The craziness of research funding. It costs us all. | Geraldine Fitzpatrick | TEDxTUWien
08:00 DO NOT go to MEDICAL SCHOOL (If This is You)
13:30 Body Temperature - What You've Been Taught Is Wrong (Strong Exam)
56:12 Is Reproducible Research Accurate? | John Ioannidis | Talks at Google
15:32 An Approach to Syncope
11:55 A Virtual Tour of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute – Longwood Campus
10:50 I learned a system for remembering everything
13:30 What doctors don't know about the drugs they prescribe | Ben Goldacre
30:08 The Medical H and P (Part 1 of 2)
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