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21:54 Making a flint dagger blade
09:02 Glass Buttes Obsidian Excavation
09:57 Clovis Fluting 1 (Compound Jig)
19:21 012 Weird Nodule of Black Butter (Dacite) Obsidian Knife - Direct Percussion Biface Flint Knapping
00:57 Don't Crush Obsidian
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26:17 Flintknapping a corner notched blade -
10:35 Glass Butte Knap In 2021
02:01 How to use Black Obsidian
28:28 Knapping A Massive Brandon Flint Nodule with Dr. James Dilley
03:47 Spalling Huge Obsidian Boulders for Flintknapping - Emory Coons, Glass Buttes knap-in
17:35 How a quartz watch works - its heart beats 32,768 times a second
12:55 Oregon Rocks! Rockhounding Oregon | Glass Buttes Rainbow Obsidian
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1:24:49 Flint Knapping for Beginners, level up
02:41 Flakes and Spalls- Basic Flint Knapping
14:04 010 Glass Buttes Tri Flow Obsidian Thick Biface Knife Preform - Direct Percussion Flint Knapping
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