20:32 Staande Mast Route⛵ Segeltörn nach Holland 🇳🇱 Dokkumer Nieuwe Zijlen bis Harlingen
18:22 Can I sail the Standing Mast Route alone?
03:56 Naviduct Krabbersgat Enkhuizen Krabbershaven Houtribdijk N302
13:33 What happened to Schokland?
20:18 Největší zrádce v historii Československa . Edvard Beneš
32:00 Staande Mast Route 2020
07:50 Hoorn beautiful authentic harbour - Holland Holiday
14:08 Jaroslav Dušek (všechnopárty)
26:18 We glide through Standing Mast Route
11:44 I Cant Believe This BIG FISH Tried to EAT My PIKE!
17:14 Analyzing Failed Boat Maneuvers: Learning from Mistakes
10:39 NederNiemandsLand - The Movie
39:22 Walking in Enkhuizen, North Holland ☀️ | NL - 4k60
07:01 achter een huurboot de sluis in
05:22 Day of fun - Yacht Crashes - Olympic Marine Lavrio - 15.10.2017
11:52 A day in the city of Stavoren Friesland Netherlands
26:34 Walking around in Enkhuizen ⛅ | Old VOC Town | The Netherlands 4K⁶⁰
10:49 HOLLAND: Medemblik town, incl. heritage railway & windmill
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