3:12:00 Electromagnetism as a Gauge Theory
59:43 Dirac's belt trick, Topology, and Spin ½ particles
46:02 Relativistic Quantum Waves (Klein-Gordon Equation)
35:11 Is the Future of Linear Algebra.. Random?
56:11 A Brief History of Quantum Mechanics - with Sean Carroll
31:22 The Trillion Dollar Equation
20:28 What is Spin? A Geometric explanation
34:00 Math's Fundamental Flaw
1:01:17 Solving the secrets of gravity - with Claudia de Rham
26:57 The most beautiful equation in math, explained visually [Euler’s Formula]
35:26 A Meditation on Buoyancy
09:14 What is reality?
31:33 The Oldest Unsolved Problem in Math
1:15:19 What Actually Are Space And Time?
17:09 Why Relativity Breaks the Schrodinger Equation
40:29 What is the Ultraviolet Catastrophe?
37:03 Something Strange Happens When You Follow Einstein's Math
11:14 The Man Who Solved the World’s Most Famous Math Problem
27:50 The fine structure of the atom
26:29 Watch electricity hit a fork in the road at half a billion frames per second
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