Video blocked astronauts jumping on the moon looks so cute 🥹❤️ cre: space.generation#nasa #apollo #moon#astronaut Recommendations 03:52 How NASA Took Cars to the Moon 03:15 Having Fun On The Moon 2:56:09 НОВИНКА 2024! МЕЛОДРАМА! ВДОХНОВЛЕННЫЙ РЕАЛЬНЫМИ СОБЫТИЯМИ, УЖЕ ЗДЕСЬ И ГАРАНТИРОВАННО ИЗУМИТ ВАС! 12:47 Should SpaceX Bother Going to the Moon? Amy's Soapbox 05:50 NASA Releases Spacewalk Footage From Astronauts Outside International Space Station 07:21 What's-His-Name, the Apollo Astronaut You've Never Heard Of 03:46 Are the flags left on the moon still there? 00:39 This is JSC: Tom Marshburn 00:47 NASA Astronaut Explains How It Feels to Readjust to Earth's Gravity 👨🚀 03:59 Here's What It Actually Takes to Be a NASA Astronaut 05:31 Astronauts Didn't Sleep So Well on the Moon 00:31 Astronaut Eugene Cernan runs and jumps on the Moon - Daily Mail 07:35 How to use the Bathroom in Space 01:02 Astronauts first reaction on return to Earth after almost six months 00:49 Writing your goals down in present tense is the most powerful tool for success 😄👍 Cre: thebriantracy 08:25 Missions we Lost When Apollo was Cancelled 08:31 How Apollo Astronauts Didn’t Get Lost Going to the Moon 01:46 Lunar samples from Apollo 17 unsealed by NASA scientists at Johnson Space Center 05:13 What did NASA Change After the Apollo 13 Disaster? Similar videos 00:16 Astronauts jumping on the moon as your daily dose of serotonin! 00:18 Jumping to the moon. 🌙 🌝🌚 03:08 NASA shows off moon rocks to commemorate Apollo 11 50th anniversary 49:50 Apollo 16 The Men, Moon, and Memories (NASA Documentary | Full Documentary in English | Space DOC) 10:18 What if you fall on the Moon? 01:00 NASA Live Earth From Space 53:40 Moon 101 Apollo Medical Operations NASA+ 08:08 VFX Artists React to the Moon Landing 44:06 Engineering the Moon Landing - Engineering Space - S01 EP02 - Space Documentary 49:50 Apollo 16 The Men, Moon, and Memories (ARCHIVE, Footage, Documentary in English,SPACE) 3:07:00 The colonization of the Moon will look quite different from what we imagine 52:32 The Ultimate Space Race | Apollo Astronaut Training |Apollo Mission Documentaries 49:06 Moonwalkers | Space Travel | Full Documentary 25:05 This is Why NASA Never Returned To The Moon 44:35 Nasa's race to the Moon - 13 Minutes to the Moon podcast Season 1, Episode 1 - BBC World Service 49:50 Apollo 16: A Historic Moon Landing Explored |Apollo Mission Documentaries 49:53 Apollo 16: The Men, Moon, and Memories 46:26 WATCH: NASA Announce Next Class of Astronauts - Livestream More results