Baluns and Chokes: Ham Radio Q and A Episode 3 Published 2015-07-23 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 26:43 Baluns : When and where? (#706) 06:44 RF Ground and Ground Planes - Ham Radio Q and A Episode 4 1:16:42 Dr Ed Fong: Demystifying the No Compromise Dual-band J-pole Antenna 14:30 Common Mode Current, How do these Chokes work? (013c) 17:15 How Many Chokes Do You Need?? Mailbag Monday 09:19 Can Ferrite Beads Really Help? 11:33 Baluns & Chokes - why do you need them? 17:17 Toroids, Chokes and Baluns for Ham Radio 18:18 #766 Measuring Ferrite RFI Suppression 36:40 Measuring Common Mode Current Chokes with a NanoVNA 13:04 Toroid Mix Selection for Balun Chokes for Ham Radio Antennas 14:13 More on the J-pole Antenna (#163) 11:40 Which Balun, UnUn or Choke to use and why? 13:11 END FED HALF-WAVE ANTENNAS - BEWARE! WHY? 03:02 The effect of a 1:1 balun on a resonant dipole 07:11 Ham Radio Q and A Episode 2: Selecting Coax Cable 09:09 Tape Measure Yagi Beam Antenna - Ham Radio Q&A Similar videos 02:21 Ugly Choke - building an Ugly Choke or an "air Balun" for Ham radio - Amateur radio easy 101 04:01 Current Balun 1:1 (Step by Step) 04:32 Building an Air Choke or "Ugly Balun" 46:09 Ham Radio - The back yard vertical part 3. Winding the 1:1 common mode choke 56:46 Designing Coiled Coax Ugly Baluns 49:40 How to make simple RF CHOKE - home made project 12:39 Toroids, Chokes and Baluns for Ham Radio - Part 2 13:17 Making Choke Balun (#797) 08:40 Balun Chokes - How do they work? 13:04 Intro to Baluns 06:42 Building a 1:1 common mode coax feedline choke Ham Radio DIY Save money do it yourself 04:49 Home brew All Band HF Air Core 1 to 1 Choke Balun 05:07 Make Yourself a Cheap and Effective Ham Radio Choke Balun for 20m - 10m 11:06 DIY Simple & Effective HF RF Choke 11:48 Build Simple Effective Common Mode Choke (CMC) aka. Line Choke for RFI 08:51 Understanding RF Chokes for Antennas 01:51 1:1 Balun / Line isolator / Common Mode RF Choke More results