BASHAR Predicts HUMANITY'S Coming Great SHIFT in 2024! Prepare Yourself NOW! | Darryl Anka Published 2023-11-18 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 2:27:45 Bloomberg Surveillance 09/26/2024 1:51:21 Solving the World’s Most Complex Problems With Science and Technology | The Atlantic Festival 2024 2:47:43 UN Week in NYC | Bloomberg Surveillance | September 23, 2024 1:51:04 AKASHIC RECORDS Predict SOLAR FLARES Coming & Will TRIGGER Humanity's GREAT SHIFT! | Bonni McCliss 3:48:45 Historiker Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk über Ostdeutschland, AfD & BSW - Jung & Naiv: Folge 725 2:02:35 Quantum Technologies – from research to reality 1:56:34 Darryl Anka (Bashar) - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview 1:24:53 It Has ALREADY Begun! Bashar's STUNNING Message You Need To LISTEN to TODAY! | Darryl Anka 1:14:51 America's TOP Psychic: The OTHER SIDE SPEAKS! Alex Gets SHOCKING LIVE Reading! | Matt Fraser 3:06:16 High-level UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine 2:06:06 Matías De Stefano: Magic, Miracles & Extraterrestrials | Aubrey Marcus Podcast 1:55:27 QUANTUM JUMPING: How KARMA & PAST LIVES Affect Shifting to PARALLEL VERSIONS of You! | Gaia Chinniah 1:26:28 The Z's PREDICT a DECADE of REVOLUTION for MANKIND - BRACE YOURSELF! | Lee Harris 17:37 why most people wont shift into the new earth 1:01:06 ANCIENT BEINGS From the AKASHIC Records Channeled! Future of Mankind REVEALED | Lisa Wetsel 2:03:17 ✝️ VATICAN COVER-UP: KNIGHTS TEMPLAR and the Secret HOLY BLOODLINE of Jesus! | Templar Timothy Hogan 55:01 JAW DROPPING: Alex's SPIRIT GUIDE'S Warning About Humanity's FUTURE in 2025! | Connie H. Deutsch 48:24 The Futurists - EPS_267: The State of the Future with Jerome Glenn 1:10:24 Billy Carson on Anunnaki: Alien Gods Who Created the First Advanced Human Beings Similar videos 09:25 BASHAR Reveals 2024's GREATEST CHALLENGES: What Humanity Faces Now! | Darryl Anka 1:27:56 Prepare YOURSELF: BASHAR'S URGENT Prediction for MANKIND; It'll HAPPEN in 2026-2027! | Darryl Anka 1:10:13 Bashar's PREDICTION & Fascinating MESSAGE You Need To Hear - Darryl Anka 01:58 Would We go Insane if we Saw a Video of Bashar? 08:26 Bashar REVEALS What is COMING for Mankind | Darryl Anka 1:07:14 BASHAR: This is Going to Be INSANE! The Message YOU NEED to Hear! | Darryl Anka 49:21 Part 2 Darryl Anka Prepare NOW to MEET Galactic Family-Contact is IMMINENT 1:13:53 TURNING POINT: Bashar's URGENT Message to Humanity! MANKIND'S MUST-HEAR Message! | Darryl Anka 46:52 5 Psychics & Channel's PREDICTIONS for HUMANITY in 2024! BIG CHANGE IS COMING SOON! 17:07 REVEALED! Bashar UNLOCKS How To AWAKEN Spiritually In THIS Dimension! | Darryl Anka 07:55 CHANNELED WISDOM! Bashar's Manifestation Formula - ATTRACT Anything Into YOUR LIFE | Darryl Anka 02:51 Bashar | The Truth about Astrology Nobody is talking about. 1:07:15 Darryl Anka | Channeling Bashar, Parallel Realities, Extraterrestrial Entities, Metaphysical World 50:03 The Mind-Blowing Message from Bashar: A Must-Listen Revelation! | Darryl Anka 34:10 Bashar Everything Happens for a Reason (Channeled by Darryl Anka) 11:17 " BASHAR Has Been Talking to Aliens For 40 Years " l Darryl ANKA Channeling Bashar More results