Brooklyn Nine-Nine | 5x22 | Rosa & Terry Meet Alicia (FULL) Published 2018-05-25 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 02:50 Holt Meets Rosa's Girlfriend | Brooklyn Nine-Nine 12:54 Holt and Rosa being great at emotions | Brooklyn Nine-Nine 21:44 Ranking Brooklyn 99's Captains From Worst To Best | Brooklyn Nine-Nine 04:47 Terry's Ex Girlfriend | Brooklyn Nine-Nine 10:04 Amy Santiago Nerd Moments | Brooklyn Nine-Nine 18:38 ULTIMATE Best of Rosa Diaz | Brooklyn Nine-Nine 10:21 Gina being a better detective than the actual detectives | Brooklyn Nine-Nine 09:56 Rosa Diaz's Unexpected Soft Side | Brooklyn Nine-Nine | Comedy Bites 05:05 Melissa Fumero Loves It When Andy Samberg Is Grumpy on the Set of Brooklyn Nine-Nine 10:01 Rosa's Mysterious Past | Brooklyn Nine-Nine 09:46 Best of DEMOTED Officer Holt | Brooklyn Nine-Nine | Comedy Bites 17:25 The Best Cold Opens That Just End In Screaming | Brooklyn Nine-Nine 02:30 The Story Behind Stephanie Beatriz's Audition for "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" 01:25 Brooklyn Nine-Nine | 7x13 | Amy Gives Birth at the Precinct / Holt & Terry Dance 02:20 Brooklyn Nine-Nine | 6x08 | Amy Opens up to Jake 15:05 Why You Gotta Love The 99 (Part 2) | Brooklyn Nine-Nine 09:58 the nine-nine being over dramatic for 10 minutes straight | Brooklyn Nine-Nine | Comedy Bites 14:57 Best of Scully & Hitchcock trying their best | Brooklyn Nine-Nine 14:35 The Best of The Worst... Criminals, Chosen By You! | Brooklyn Nine-Nine 03:18 Brooklyn Nine-Nine: The Monty Hall Skit Similar videos 01:07 Rosa And Alicia | Brooklyn Nine-Nine 00:48 Rosa & Alicia Part 2 00:30 Rosa & Alicia Part 5 00:42 Rosa & Alicia Part 1 00:54 Rosa & Alicia Part 3 00:42 Rosa & Alicia Part 4 00:10 Rosa Song by Pontiac bandit 01:19 Rosa Gets Real - Brooklyn Nine-Nine 01:14 Brooklyn Nine-Nine | 5x22 | Gina, Holt & Cheddar at the Precinct (FULL) 01:58 Brooklyn Nine-Nine | 5x22 | Jake & Amy Scenes (PART 1) 05:30 Brooklyn Nine-Nine | Rosa Comes Out As Bisexual to Her Parents, but the 99 Has Her Back 10:28 rosa diaz: a bisexual icon | Brooklyn Nine-Nine | Comedy Bites 00:08 rosa rosa rosa are you finally single [Brooklyn nine-nine] 00:21 Brooklyn Nine Nine - Rosa Diaz in Court 02:38 Brooklyn Nine-Nine season 5- Rosa finds her love again. 03:15 Brooklyn Nine-Nine | 5x22 | Jake & Amy Scenes (PART 5) 01:19 Jake Peralta Being Bisexual For 1 Minute 19 Seconds | Brooklyn 99 01:50 Brooklyn Nine-Nine | 5x12 | Rosa Goes Undercover at the Salon (FULL) More results