"Cardiac History and Exam" by Dr. Christina Ronai Published 2022-01-27 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 36:16 Cyanotic Congenital Cardiac Defects: Physiology of Cyanosis by T. Kulik, et al. | OPENPediatrics 28:22 "Respiratory Assessment" by Brienne Leary for OPENPediatrics 44:24 Basics of EP Testing and Ablation by Adam Zivin, M.D. 37:05 Fainting Dead Away - Cardiogenic Syncope | The Heart Course 14:29 How to take a FOCUSED cardiovascular history? | 4 exam cases 09:22 "Immunizations" by Christina Callas and Dr. Laura Chiel for OPENPediatrics 10:27 Cardiovascular History Taking | Key Symptoms | OSCE Guide 12:38 "Asthma" by Julia Pian and Laura Chiel for OPENPediatrics 08:05 Cardiovascular Examination - OSCE Guide 11:49 Heart murmurs for beginners 🔥 🔥 🔥 Part 1:Aortic & Mitral stenosis, Aortic & mitral regurgitation. 03:58 Arteriovenous Malformations (AVMs) | Boston Children's Hospital 31:59 Paediatrics - cardiology 04:23 Anatomy of the Heart 38:26 NICU bubble CPAP training at ANMC 29:15 "Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis" by Michael Agus, MD for OPENPediatrics 09:21 Developmental 5 - Infant 12:24 "Ventricular Septal Defects" by Dr. David Bailly for OPENPediatrics 06:57 Cardiovascular examination demonstration 08:41 Chest Pain History Taking - OSCE Guide 11:52 "Pancreatitis" by Amit Grover, for OPENPediatrics Similar videos 21:37 Pathophysiology and Diagnosis of Heart Failure by C. VanderPluym, et al. | OPENPediatrics 07:57 Focused cardiovascular examination 16:02 "Rheumatic Heart Disease" by Dr. Emmanuel Rusingiza 09:39 Care for Oneself and Forgiveness | Christina Faitel | TEDxIrvingtonHighSchool 12:26 Introduction to Seizure and Epilepsy Diagnosis by Drs. A. Patel, L. Sham, A. Kielian, and L. Hayes 03:14 "Introduction to Pediatric Cardiac Disease" by Ronald Lacro for OPENPediatrics 47:53 Cardiovascular Issues in ADPKD 16:18 Cardiovascular System Physical Examination - Imp things to know 03:56 Myocarditis and Cardiomyopathies Including Practice Questions by Christopher S. Almond, M.D., MPH 07:03 Cardiovascular Examination 02:03 "Indications for Gastrostomy Tube Placement" by Dr. Lindsey Armstrong, for OPENPediatrics 07:56 Compiled Cardiac examination 51:45 Maternity - Risk Assessment 09:52 "Pediatric Ostomy Care" by Leah Abecassis for OPENPediatrics 04:28 Heart Examination [ver. Maeka] 10:52 How I Make Extra Money As A Doctor [3K In A Week] 03:43 B16 Head to Toe Physical Assesment lecture 7 ft. sir Orven and mr Manuel 40:11 OET LISTENING TEST 13.02.2024 maggie ryan #oet #oetexam #oetnursing #oetlisteningtest More results