Catholic Unscripted 29 Exposing 'Sex, Marx, Doublethink'- a call to the laity to resist. Published 2023-08-26 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 45:52 Catholic Unscripted 49. Is the Pope a Communist? 2:46:55 Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains? The 2023 Holberg Debate, feat. Seth, Luhrmann, Sheldrake. 17:03 Ashenden scripted - On leaving the Church of England after it decides to bless the un-blessable. 49:13 +Barron's devastating exposé of the Synod - The Tragedy of MIchael Voris: Catholic Unscripted 40 5:32:30 Post Office scandal | Fujitsu director gives evidence at inquiry 46:33 Gavin Ashenden & Rod Dreher in conversation."Culture, Crisis & the Catacombs.'Catholic Unscripted#4 55:49 Interview w/ Dr Gavin Ashenden on his Near Death and Demonic experiences 57:40 Catholic Unscripted 48 - 'Fiducia Supplicans V chastity;- anthropology & appetite.' 34:28 The Astonishing Discovery of Mary - Gavin Ashenden. Feast of the Assumption 2023 15:10 CARDINAL FERNANDEZ' 'MYSTICAL THEOLOGY': SEX-MAGIC IN THE VATICAN? Ashenden Scripted. 3:32:31 From Mormon Missionary to Catholic w/ Isaac Hess 16:34 Ashenden-Scripted: - "Confessions of an ex LGBTQ+activist. 37:30 Prototype- Catholic Unscripted #6 A conversation between Fr Dwight Longenecker & Dr Gavin Ashenden. 2:57:59 An Intro to Philosophy w/ Dr. Alex Plato 12:19 Pope Francis v Jordan Peterson- the Twitter clash. Politics v Piety 1:01:59 Protestant Business Exec Becomes On-Fire Catholic | The Catholic Gentleman 32:48 Protestant Pastor Becomes On-Fire Catholic | Chris Stefanick Show 56:05 From Jehovah’s Wittnesses to Christianity 32:19 Dr. Gavin Ashenden; From Anglican Bishop to the Roman Catholic Church 1:12:59 From Protestant to Catholic w/ Lila Rose Similar videos 57:05 Catholic Unscripted 32- Emotional Blackmail,Ecumenical Entropy, Migration Muddle, Synodal Syncretism 1:11:06 CATHOLIC UNSCRIPTED 28 Young People & Killer Nurses-The attraction of the Holy & the mystery of evil 17:10 Marx Mohammed and Jesus - a future without forgiveness? Ashenden Scripted. 44:05 Catholic Unscripted #35 Israel 1:21:24 Apocalyptic Optimism & the Synod: Is there Global Resistance brewing? - w/ Gavin Ashenden 12:54 Outlawing Conversion and Therapy (ed-vol) Ashenden Scripted 20:57 MORALS, PROGRESS & THE PAPACY-Interpreting Pope Francis & the Portuguese Jesuits. Ashenden Scripted 18:13 HOLINESS OR REVOLUTION ? -SINAI OR HIROSHIMA? Reflections on the Transfiguration 2023 44:44 Anglican Unscripted 802 - George, the Tibre, & the Devil 57:17 Queen's former Chaplain Dr Gavin Ashenden: our philosophically and theologically incoherent society 16:05 Losing your life to save it - Jesus, ego and self. - Reflections on St Mark 8 More results