Video blocked Christopher Yuan Debunks the Homosexuality of David and Jonathan Recommendations 1:27:12 Is Same-Sex Attraction a Sin? The dangers of Side B Theology with Christopher Yuan 07:16 Was King David Gay? 06:21 6 Reasons Why God Created Sex 03:14 Former LGBTQIA+ Turned Christian Explains Identity vs. Feelings 03:17 Ask Kevin: Were David and Jonathan Lovers? 05:25 Was there more to David & Jonathan’s relationship than just friendship? | Hard Questions 1:28:14 Christopher Yuan - A Christian Response to Homosexuality 06:05 Is Being Gay Genetic? - Dr. Christopher Yuan 03:21 LGBTQ+ Person Confronts Frank and Calls Him a Bigot 36:59 A Conversation with Christopher Yuan 48:29 Rosaria Butterfield and Christopher Yuan: The Christian Sexual Ethic (Seminar) 08:22 Gay and Christian, No Contradiction | Brandan Robertson | TEDxLSSU 06:38 Debunking the 1946 Myth: The Bible and Homosexuality Explained 48:44 [PODCAST] 8 Lines of Evidence FROM EGYPT for the Exodus 31:19 Exclusive: Jordan Peterson’s new book claims the Bible is actually about you 03:51 Christopher Yuan: Did Jesus Address Gay Marriage? 27:24 Christopher Yuan | Living with HIV/AIDS 22:56 David And Jonathan: A Biblical Celebration of Gay Sex 06:31 Gay Christian Learns to Reconcile his Faith and Sexuality. “God Made Me the Way that I Am.” Similar videos 1:47:09 Mar 3, 2024: David; The Heart of Friendship 10:21 Top 10 Historical TV Shows on HBO MAX You Need to Watch !!! 1:10:44 Jen Hatmaker Doubles Down on Unbiblical LGBTQ Stance | Ep 819 4:04:45 Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate Kritique 14:52 IM FREE PROJECT- SHANAHN, PT 2. 44:40 "Deconstruction, Progressive Evangelicalism, and Neo-Fundamentalism" – Collin Hansen 2:00:11 Should Ex-Muslims Be Punished? | Apostate Prophet Vs. Khalid | FULL DEBATE 46:40 El Nuevo Orden Mundial no existe, son los papás /miniRoja More results