Coding Challenge 182: Apollonian Gasket Fractal Published 2024-03-14 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 32:10 Coding Challenge 183: Paper Marbling Algorithm 25:04 Coding Challenge 176: Buffon's Needle 27:36 Beyond the Mandelbrot set, an intro to holomorphic dynamics 26:57 The most beautiful equation in math, explained visually [Euler’s Formula] 47:52 Coding Adventure: Simulating Fluids 15:09 Electromagnetic Aircraft Launcher 35:35 Apple ][ Coding Challenge: Fractal Tree 1:18:37 Coding Challenge 171: Wave Function Collapse 41:07 Coding Challenge 178: Climate Spiral 45:40 Coding Challenge: 3D on Apple II 28:59 Coding Challenge 181: Weighted Voronoi Stippling 19:52 Rust Functions Are Weird (But Be Glad) 32:16 Coding Challenge 170: The Monty Hall Problem 17:08 Beware the Runge Spikes! 31:42 Coding Challenge #139: Calculating Digits of Pi with Collisions 28:02 Coding Challenge 168: MandelBulb 3D Fractal 24:59 How to train simple AIs to balance a double pendulum 26:28 Coding Marching Squares 33:03 NP-COMPLETENESS - The Secret Link Between Thousands of Unsolved Math Problems 28:47 Coding Challenge 125: Fourier Series