Come ho imparato quattro lingue straniere - How I've learned four foreign languages (in Italian) Published -- Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 11:31 Are Italians bad at speaking Italian? [Learn Italian - with subs] 14:11 3 things that I would instantly change in Italian [Learn Italian - with subs] 14:16 Making MY Italian great again [Learn Italian, ITA / ENG subs] 17:47 Come raggiungere un livello AVANZATO🚀, con @LucaLampariello 05:05 "LA LINGUA PIU' BELLA DEL MONDO" A book by Stefano Jossa 16:04 9 unconventional ways of learning a languange with technology [Learn Italian, with subs] 13:27 The origin of words [Learn Italian, with subs] 11:41 How to be polite in Italian? [SUB Ita] 10:36 She speaks AMAZING Italian after just 2½ years! [Learn Italian, IT/PL subs] 14:39 Mistakes in language learning: how to deal with them? [Learn Italian, ITA/ENG/FR/PL subs] 16:45 How to use YouTube for learning languages ​​effectively [Learn Italian, with ITA subs] 10:44 What to do to start speaking Italian (ita audio + subtitles) 16:19 Ma come si usa "magari"?! - How do you use "magari"?! [SUB ITA] 16:01 é: il SEGRETO che ci nascondono! - Learn Italian, with subs 13:08 What do Italians think of tourists? (q&a in Italian) 14:14 4 ERRORI che NON devi fare (e che probabilmente fai) 13:59 Italian vs Spanish: which one is harder? [Learn Italian, with subs] 11:48 Six differences between Northern and Southern Italian - [ITA - w/ subs in ITA] 09:48 11 basic Italian linking words to boost your phrases [CONNETTIVI LOGICI BASE DA SAPERE in italiano] 10:01 14 Italian phrases to boost your daily conversations in Italian (B1 +) Similar videos 06:42 Come ho imparato l'italiano / How I learnt Italian (ENG SUBS) 17:41 This 18 year-old polyglot learned 7 languages on her own (feat. @iclaliano) 06:57 COME HO IMPARATO 7 LINGUE! HOW I HAVE LEARNT TO SPEAK 7 LANGUAGES! 10:46 The secrets of learning a new language | Lýdia Machová | TED 07:23 How He Learned to Speak 6 LANGUAGES 13:32 I Learned Italian in 7 Days - Part I 11:40 Q&A - Italian polyglot speaking 7 languages - Poliglotta italiana parla 7 lingue [SUB ITA] 16:42 Italian polyglot speaks 6 languages: here's my story. 49:22 How to learn Italian efficiently(and, frankly, any language) - ENG 19:10 Italians Try to Guess the Language! | Easy Italian 208 46:03 Life and Secrets of a Podcaster - Interview with Davide from Podcast Italiano (SUBTITLES EN, IT, RU) 07:07 Cómo Aprendà 4 Idiomas (W/Subtitles) How I Learned 4 Languages 13:10 How I Learned To Speak Fluent Italian Without Speaking It 🇮🇹 11:17 Speaking 4 LANGUAGES Fluently | How I Learned Languages with SUBTITLES | Matilde Schiavina 09:55 5 disadvantages of knowing a foreign language - [ITA with subs] 25:18 Luca Lampariello e l'italiano - Luca Lampariello and the italian language - Interview 04:24 Learning Languages Ruined My Life 00:34 How long does it take to learn Italian?🇮🇹🙊 More results