Count Unique Values in PivotTables in Excel Published 2015-02-16 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 13:53 Get a Unique Count of Items in a Pivot Table 05:14 Excel Distinct Count with a PivotTable 08:56 Three EASY Ways to Find and Remove Duplicates in Excel 14:48 Introduction to Pivot Tables, Charts, and Dashboards in Excel (Part 1) 12:49 Compare Two Lists Using the VLOOKUP Formula 11:16 2 Quick Ways To Calculate Distinct Count With Pivot Tables 06:48 Pivot Table Super Trick in MS Excel | Pivot Table Excel 04:44 Counting in Excel Part9 - Counting unique values with multiple criteria/ condition 11:18 Learn Power Pivot in Excel (Better Than Pivot Tables) 10:41 Excel Data Modeling - Stop Using XLOOKUP | Learn PowerPivot 1:20:35 Excel 365: The Subtle Art of Overcomplicating LAMBDAs | Marco Filocamo 08:08 Show Top Ten Results - Excel PivotTable Tricks 12:18 Best Pivot Table Design Tips to Impress Anyone 05:10 How To Find Unique Values Using Advanced Filter In Excel 18:28 EXCEL - Tabele przestawne 04:18 How to Count Unique Values (Distinct Count) in a Pivot Table in Excel Online and Excel for Mac 15:17 Pivot Table Automation with Calculated Field and Calculated Item (When and How to Use Each) 13:54 Properly Handle Date Grouping and Missing Dates in Excel Pivot Tables (show all dates) 05:11 Find Duplicates with a PivotTable Similar videos 03:27 How to add unique count to a pivot table 00:26 How to count unique values Excel 02:34 How To Count Unique Items In Pivot Table In Excel 01:13 Excel Magic Trick 1115: PivotTable to Count How Many of Each Item There Are In a Column 02:11 Excel PivotTable: Count Unique Records | Distinct Count in Excel PivotTable 3:43:34 Excel Data Analysis Live Masterclass 00:52 How to Count Unique Items in Excel PivotTables 06:18 Pivot Table Count Unique Values Excel 2010 01:31 Count Unique (Distinct) Items in Excel Pivot Table 01:33 Count Unique (Distinct Count) with Excel Pivot Tables 03:20 Counting in Excel Part7 - Counting unique values using pivot table 05:04 Easy way to get "Distinct Count" in Pivot Tables 03:45 How to Count Unique Values Using Pivot Table in Excel 02:28 How to Count Duplicates with the Help of Pivot Table - In MS Excel-(V035) More results