Design and Control of a Miniature Bipedal Robot with Proprioceptive Actuation for Dynamic Behaviors Published 2022-08-11 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 04:21 Does our robot have bird legs? 03:37 Cassie: Dynamic Planning on Stairs 02:52 Learning Robust Autonomous Navigation and Locomotion for Wheeled-legged Robots 02:17 Tesla Bot | Actuators Team 02:58 NABiRoS: Non Anthropomorphic Bipedal Robotic System 03:37 Farewell to HD Atlas 02:53 Nadia - A Next Generation Humanoid Robot 01:42 人間のような歩き方をするロボットⅡ(Biped robot walks just like a human being Ⅱ.) 39:55 Touring the Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory at UCLA 10:47 A Robot That Walks, Flies, Skateboards, Slacklines 02:56 Design of a Serial-Parallel Hybrid Leg for a Humanoid Robot 57:52 Gyroscopic Bipeds: A Different Way of Walking with Dr Pauline Pounds 03:28 Cassie - Next Generation Robot 14:13 I made a mini deathroll... and it's INSANE! 09:48 Driving An Actual Bipedal Mech Suit | Translogic 221 26:11 Talk 09: L. Marchioni, PAL Robotics | ICRA2021 WS on Legged Robots 16:00 Evolution of Boston Dynamic’s Robots [1992-2023] 02:26 二足歩行ロボットによる床運動まとめ(Biped robot challenges floor exercise.) Similar videos 1:27:49 Locomotion Analysis and Control of a Miniature Bipedal Robot 01:02 2019 Dynamic locomotion synchronization of bipedal robot and human operator via bilateral feedb... 2 00:51 Arduino Controlled Robotic Biped - Test and Demo 02:50 LimX Dynamics’ Biped Robot P1 Conquers the Wild Based on Reinforcement Learning 03:25 We made a bipedal robot. 01:23 Bipedal Locomotion with Nonlinear Model Predictive Control 00:33 HRC Model-1 Bipedal Robot Learning to Walk 00:44 Gyrubot: biped walking blindfolded 1:49:48 Miniature Robotic Humanoids 01:00 [Dynamic Walking 2022] Abstract: From Human Walking to Bipedal Robot Locomotion 02:41 Motion Planning and Feedback Control for Bipedal Robots riding a Snakeboard 18:42 Analysis of Biped Robot on Uneven Terrain Based on Feed-forward Control 00:44 A biped robot that performs dynamic walking with only four servos. 01:27 BRUCE: Bipedal Robot Unit with Compliance Enhanced 11:58 CDC 2021 Presentation - Force-and-moment-based MPC for Highly Dynamic Bipedal Robots 00:12 A biped robot that is walking with simple control algorithm 03:23 Robust and Versatile Bipedal Jumping Control through Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning More results