discbine vs haybine Published 2017-08-26 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 13:42 Hooking up your 488 Haybine and getting ready to mow 31:50 Field Comparison: Swathers, Drum Mowers, and Disc Mowers 08:52 Our Hay Cutting Weapons - Sickle Mower, Haybine & Discbine 24:09 New Holland 472 Haybine Cutting Hay 05:00 Raking Hay the Old Fashion Way 14:38 The Haymaker 10:43 Discbine® PLUS Series Disc Mower-Conditioners Overview 39:44 FATHER PHIL GETS STUCK!! | WHOLECROP HARVEST 2023 06:49 Making HUGE windrows with the 316 new holland Disc mower 10:00 NEW W235R- Worth the Upgrade?? 07:20 Cutting hay with the International 856 and New Holland 1411 discbine 37:23 Fixing Up An Old New Holland Square Baler - Start to Finish - Curly Bales and More 07:28 Mowing 2021 first cut hay with Haybine—Teenager mowing like a boss! 03:04 New Holland Disc Mower 109M Duradisc broken gear in module part 1( see part 2 for repair ideas) 17:53 100 Bales of the Good Stuff 11:48 Cutting Monster 7 Foot High Hay!!!!!! 18:07 New Holland 489 Haybine Repair 06:59 The Super Conditioner - Hay Conditioning Dries Faster and is More Resilient 15:37 MAKING A DUST #AnswerAsAPercent 1273 Similar videos 01:27 Makin' Hay Minute: Harvesting: Mower Conditioners vs. Disc Mowers 13:22 316 disc mower cutting some tall haygrazer!!! 16:00 John deere 7200 tractor and newholland 1411 discbine mowing 1st cutting hay 2021 07:54 Why a Discbine Won't Help 03:20 What makes H7000 Discbine® Disc Mower-Conditioners Great 03:57 How do I adjust a Discbine | Roll Gap vs Roll Tension 12:21 New Holland HW340 Discbine Mowing Hay 13:02 Cutting Hay with 56 Year Old Mower found in a barn. This has got to be better than a sickle bar. 01:38 The Best Side-Pull Disc Mower-Conditioners: Discbine® 209 and 210 06:21 New Holland Discbine® 313 / 316 Disc Mower Conditioners 07:14 This Kubota M6 and Disc Mower Combo is KING of Hay! 12:20 Mowing Hay(We have scrapped our haybine and we still MOW HAY) 10:43 Why I *don’t* want a conditioner for my hay mower More results