Dona bw "o ntša Published 2021-11-19 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 07:00 Mhele production and Skizo the brand video 'moperesiti yo mogolo Shweshbite 04:03 DONA- Cologne OR Corona? 03:31 Ene o botoka 11:40 10 Funny Questions Featuring DONA BW 04:00 DriveThru Car Rentals🔥Contacts:(+267)76667318 (+267)78578721 19:38 Dona | Journey of a stand up comedian, working with Bra Thabiso, Life in Botswana, 10:42 DONA BW COMEDY SERIES (episode 1) 04:16 Mjamaica and DONA 39:15 Radijo 🤣👌👌 💕💕💕 02:28 Dona BW COMEDY "Ngaka GA Ena Molato" 02:30 Uniform ya relationship #dona_bw #comedy 08:28 Mhele Production and Skizo the brand (sedimo video 06:31 Dona- Ke lwala leleme 03:29 Dona bw "tla ke cheke Thabo fast 02:29 Ga o rate go bona ke le happy 05:26 Mhele production and Skizo video 'koloi yaga Kario 13:02 DONA BW COMEDY SERIES (episode 4) 01:58 "Sale kemo kgalemetse" Comedy by DONA BW Similar videos 02:11 DONA BW 😂😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥 04:39 Dona bw "O seka wa e felela pelo 01:04 DONA BW - Ee ke tshogile mme explain? 03:28 Dona bw comedy video 04:33 Dona bw "Gase nna ke botsang" 03:13 Dona bw "Gare ya gana yaanong" 04:32 Dona bw "dilo tsa relationship yame 06:31 Dona bw "ware o dira yang vinegar Malebogo" 05:15 Ke ya Mmopane 🤞 02:02 DONA BW - Seat eo yaga Tebo mr, tswa hela mo go yone, koloi e tletse😒 03:05 Dona bw 'nthuse re senke main chick 04:42 Thee Car Show - Crazy Pranks With Our Special Guest Dona BW (FME DJs S2 EP9) 02:54 @Dona BW Gakeye skolong 10:42 Comedy Nite Botswana 2021 - DONA Bw Comedy Series (episode 1) 05:34 Dona bw & Oska bora bw (areng Palesa) comedy video 04:56 Ehe valentine gase today?😒 More results