Episode 154: Insights from a Theory of Entangled Political Economy (with Richard E. Wagner) Published 2016-09-30 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 23:51 Why is this number everywhere? 1:47:41 Norman Finkelstein and Chris Hedges discuss Israel, Gaza, Oct. 7 at Princeton 2:31:27 WSU: Space, Time, and Einstein with Brian Greene 09:09 Why UK Universities are Going Bankrupt 1:34:13 One Hundred Years of War, Revolution, and Peace 2:25:57 Political Philosophy: An Introduction by Jason Brennan - A Libertarianism.org Audiobook 04:44 The worst president in U.S. history 14:58 The Scientist Who Discovered the World's Most Beautiful Equation 46:20 Timothy Snyder: The Making of Modern Ukraine. Class 2: The Genesis of Nations 04:57 Росія атакує Україну новими ракетами «Циркон»: уламки збитих ракет та що про них дізнались експерти 3:15:38 What is ChatGPT doing...and why does it work? 23:51 Formula 1 cars, explained for rookies (with Max Verstappen) 52:25 Stephen Kotkin & Orville Schell: What Drives Putin and Xi (Part Two) | The Foreign Affairs Interview 03:10 ❗️ ПОДРОБИЦІ ❗️ ОКУПАНТИ ВДАРИЛИ РАКЕТАМИ ПО ОДЕЩИНІ 3:31:03 A conversation between Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Stephen Wolfram at the Wolfram Summer School 2021 3:55:13 Wolfram Physics Project: Working Session Wednesday, May 6, 2020 [Finding Black Hole Structures] 02:19 Essential David Hume: The Benefits of Free Trade 3:54:12 Wolfram Physics Project: Relations to Category Theory 02:12 Essential Hume: Public Debt Similar videos 50:46 Politics As a Peculiar Business: Insights from a Theory of Entangled Political Economy 1:31:38 Richard E. Wagner on Entangled Political Economy: Mixing Something Old with Something New 01:03 Politics as a Peculiar Business | Official Book Trailer | Richard E. Wagner 29:07 The Study of Political Economy by Henry George (circa 1877) 09:08 Future Directions In Virginia Political Economy 08:52 Andreas Goldthau and Nick Sitter on A Liberal Actor in a Realist World 42:51 Episode 155: Rituals of Freedom: Libertarian Themes in Early Confucianism (with Roderick T. Long) 29:46 "Deficit Spending: Good or Evil?" - "Ethical Perspectives On the News" - 05.09.2021 13:07 THEORY OF GOVERNMENT 54:34 Episode 90: How Much Should Philosophy Influence Public Policy? (with Andrew I. Cohen) 10:18 Key goals and peculiarities of privatization program for 2014-2016 1:11:26 Episode 140: The Constitution in Practice: From Liberty to Leviathan (with Roger Pilon) 1:03:45 Who Tells Your Story?: (Mis)representing the Past in Works of Historical Fiction 1:03:52 Libertarians At Large 33:37 WAGNER Tristan und Isolde, WWV 90 Part 3 56:10 Hackers (Pop & Locke Podcast) 04:14 Economist Dr. Steven Pressman on Fox Business News 04:30 CSA - Ride of the Valkyries by Richard Wagner (1921) More results