Exclusive interview with Turing Award laureate Chi-Chih Yao Published 2023-07-08 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 26:44 Russia Attacks Wagner in Syria: What does the Future Hold? | Vantage with Palki Sharma 21:57 У Росії закінчуються гроші – Яковина 05:28 China's digital currency revolution | China Tonight | ABC News 43:13 Drone attack on Moscow & Yevgeny Prigozhin breaks his silence | Ukraine The Latest | Podcast 13:53 Road To 1500 | Episode 115 02:03 Chinese President Xi Jinping meets young researchers in Nanjing 13:34 Could Ukraine’s vital air defense systems run out of ammunition? | DW News 39:47 Ukraine advances on Tokmak & understanding Russia's demographic time-bomb| Ukraine The Latest| Pod 53:13 Ukrainian counter-offensive advancing 'in all directions'| Ukraine The Latest| Podcast 25:31 Putin’s Lackey: Understanding Lukashenko's role as Russia's secret weapon 01:56 Xi Jinping's inspection tour in east China's Jiangsu Province 00:15 'Camel jams' sighted as summer holidays begin 24:18 Raoul Pal & Julian Brigden: Understanding How to Navigate These Global Markets 27:02 Full Body 2 - Live in VR from Big Stream #107 12:02 World Food Prize a budding platform for China-U.S. citizen diplomacy 03:20 More Than A Game Ep.1: What's behind China's village football craze? 02:39 How China and the U.S. can cooperate better on food issue 13:05 China-U.S. Economic Ties 1:00:50 ERC-6551: Is This the Next Big Leap in NFT Innovation? - Ep. 514 02:46 Xi calls for high-quality growth, protection of cultural heritage in E China Similar videos 47:51 Berkeley ACM A.M. Turing Laureate Interviews: Andrew Chi-Chih Yao 03:32 【Kyoto Prize Laureate Introduction】Andrew Chi-Chih Yao 31:21 【Kyoto Prize Commemorative Lecture】Andrew Chi-Chih Yao “A Journey Through Computer Science” 01:03 Kyoto prize at Oxford 2022: Andrew Chi-Chih Yao preview 42:07 Berkeley in the 80s, Episode 4: Andrew Yao 1:28:26 Andrew Yao - 2021 Kyoto Prize Laureate in Advanced Technology 06:25 Professor Yao's talk 04:51 Turing Award Laureate A.C. Yao 1/2: Tsinghua CS Will Be in Top 5 03:37 Turing Award Series | ANDREW CHI CHI YAO | Episode-36 Tech Research 1:13:26 Kyoto Prize at Oxford 2022 – Andrew Chi-Chih Yao – A journey through computer science 01:04 【11/10 Kyoto Prize Special Website Open】Andrew Chi-Chih Yao 09:48 On Methodology: Turing Laureates Discuss their Approach to Work 10:16 Turing Award goes to Canadian researchers who taught AI to learn like humans 21:04 Andrew Chi-Chih Yao:The Advent of Quantum Computing-2017Tencent WE Summit 58:34 Andrew Chi-Chih Yao: Quantum Computing: A Great Science in the Making 00:42 Top scientists become Chinese citizens, join Chinese Academy of Sciences 39:16 ACM A.M. Turing Laureate Interview: Shafi Goldwasser/Silvio Micali 10/3/18 1:18:31 Andrew Chi-Chih Yao: Game Theory in Auction and Blockchain 05:33 LUI Che Woo Prize : Interview with Prof. Andrew Yao 「呂志和獎」:訪問姚期智教授 More results