Genetic Engineering of Fungi: Plasmids 101 Published 2021-07-06 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 16:50 Engineering Mushrooms with E. coli 23:31 DNA Barcoding Fungi at Home: Sequencing, Analysis and Identifying Fungi 09:25 Genetic Engineering 34:53 Extrachromosomal circular DNAs- The extraordinary eccDNAs in cancer and diseases 14:13 You've Been Lied To About Genetics 09:44 Mitochondria Aren't Just the Powerhouse of the Cell 08:20 Introduction to Fungal Phylogeny and Taxonomy 08:42 Epigenetics 35:15 Understanding CRISPR-Cas9 10:27 How to Make a Genetically Modified Plant 13:00 Gene Silencing Methods: CRISPR vs. TALENs vs. RNAi 05:03 The genes you don't get from your parents (but can't live without) - Devin Shuman 21:42 CRISPR Gene Editing: Using CRISPR-Cas9 with the Out of the Blue CRISPR Kit 07:21 What is CRISPR? 10:02 But what is CRISPR-Cas9? An animated introduction to Gene Editing. #some2 14:37 Sanger DNA Sequencing, From Then to Now. 31:26 Next Generation Sequencing 1: Overview - Eric Chow (UCSF) 08:40 The differences between hybridization and phenotypical selection of isolates when breeding mushrooms Similar videos 04:01 Animation E4, 1.1 Production of human insulin 14:27 CRISPR-Cas9 Genome Editing Technology 05:33 Transformation, Transduction and Conjugation (Horizontal Gene Transfer in Bacteria) 02:18 Promoters and Enhancers 01:39 CRISPR Explained 45:08 Bioengineering 101 - Class 5 - Genetic Engineering & Plasmids 08:03 How To Genetically Engineer Plants | Monstera Agrobacterium Genome Editing | Agrobacterium 101 05:50 CONJUGATION, TRANSFORMATION, TRANSDUCTION (HORIZONTAL GENE TRANSFER) 01:13 Mechanism of Recombination 2:26:44 Mushroom DNA Barcoding: Alan Rockefeller 19:54 Using electrophoresis to troubleshoot electroporation with our fungi plasmid (Day 8) 49:42 Biotechnology 007: Yeast Plasmids: Prof. Beckmann 06:02 Genetics in mycology explained: The phylogeny dilemma of mushrooms 10:46 Blockchain and Fungal Genetics with Paul from Fungaia 06:14 Multi-Drug Resistance (MDR) Fungi Explained in 7 Minutes 1:16:37 Ryan Cochrane: Applications & Methodologies for Genetic Engineering of Algae & Fungi | Podcast #14 07:17 Plasmids: What are plasmids 44:31 Bioengineering 101 - Class 3 - The Life of DNA & RNA More results