Guinan and Worf at Target Practice Published 2011-10-15 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 02:40 Whoopi Goldberg and Marina Sirtis Scene - Star Trek: The Next Generation 05:49 WHY WORF IS AWESOME 03:12 Star Trek DS9 Worf and Sisko 2 03:58 You Have Manipulated The Circumstances With The Skill Of A Romulan 04:57 Guinan And Picard • the whole scene | Star Trek Picard Season 2 Episode 1 04:50 This is why Sisko is the most badass captain 03:55 Perhaps, But Not Today 05:20 If You Ask Him He'll Deny It, But It's True 02:19 No You CAN'T Don't Even Try 03:09 Lt. Worf Speaks With Gowron 02:07 Star Trek TNG S2E9: Picard and Guinan on the nature of value, property and disposable creatures. 07:00 Star Trek Economy 02:13 Data and a Klingon funny scene 03:13 Guinan counsels now-Captain Riker 03:05 You Do Get Around Don't You 03:25 Star Trek TNG Data Saves the Day - S4E24 - 27 May 1991 03:20 Q offers to help Picard's dull plodding pedantic speech. 01:57 Star Trek TNG: Data can win without winning. 02:39 TNG Picard owns the Sheliak (Ensigns of Command) 02:45 Captain Picard Day Similar videos 01:35 Guinan destroys Worf at Target Practice Star Trek TNG (HD) 03:32 Guinan Asks Worf Parents Why They Never Gave Him Prune Juice 01:27 Guinan Give Lt. Worf Prune Juice (warrior drink) 02:08 Guinan Inform the Crew About the Borg 03:00 Confined To Her Quarters 02:05 When did we meet? 01:16 That Was Setting Number One. Anyone Wanna See Setting Number Two?" Guinan 01:39 Guinan and Hugh 04:10 Lieutenant Worf Promotion To Lieutenant Commander Worf 01:38 Guinan and Q Meet Again 00:33 Guinan and Jean-Luc Picard meet for the first time 00:30 Star Trek TNG Worf: A Warrior's Drink 01:00 Star Trek INtakes: Guinan Knows What She's Talking About 02:23 Star Trek: The Next Generation Season Two Blooper Reel 01:50 Guinan Demonstrate Her Point 00:35 Guinan's Gun, setting number 2 01:10 Star Trek INtakes: Guinan Sees Into Wesley's Future 00:06 Warf: Impossible! More results