Hors-séries 番外編 The Japanese sword museum : Exhibition of sword accessories October 28th 2023 刀装展 Published 2024-03-22 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 18:51 REWRAPPED A TAMAHAGANE'S TSUKA 26:52 #139 刀鍛冶 羽岡慎仁〜一鍛入魂 日本の技と魂をつなぐ鍛錬〜後編 32:51 Visiting Japan in March/April 2024, studying swords. 13:24 A Living National Treasure Documentary Ota,Tokyo HON'AMI Koshu(Polishing japanese swords) 17:31 How to make a Katana the Traditional Way: Samurai Legacy 02:13 Aktuelle Katana Sammlung vom 01.05.24 ⚔️⚔️Schwerter⚔️⚔️ an der Wand - Schwertständer 12:22 日本刀 令和五年度現代刀職展②作刀無鑑査Blade Forging Division-Master 28:05 The Secret of Japanese Swords - Science View 09:31 Legendary Katana "Kasen Kanesada" which cut down 36 close retainers 【Real Katana】 09:02 日本刀に魅せられて外国人 🇯🇵 The Foreigner Who Was Charmed by Japanese Swords 25:27 How Japanese Masters Turn Sand Into Swords 30:38 「日本刀製作技術」月山清[刀匠名]貞利 普及用映像「百錬精鐵 月山貞利」 16:30 Top 6 National Treasure Katanas / History of Japanese Swords 02:53 【新刀最上作】 脇差 武蔵大掾藤原忠廣 吉長彫 刃文 広直刃調、浅くのたれ、下半に互の目、尖りこころの刃など交じり足よく入り、葉交じり、匂口深く子沸厚くつき、所々荒沸つき、明るく冴える 31:15 WW2 Japanese Katana Sword Handle Restoration 50:08 Tamahagane, the material for Japanese swords, and how to make knives. A couple's work. 1:21:30 Nigen kokuho. Sumitani Masamine & Yoshindo Yoshihara kabuto wari challenge. Helmet cuting test 09:51 Samurai Sword Katana Demonstration in Shoshazan Engyoji of Hyo... 04:27 Introduction of Excellent Japanese Swords: Bizen Osafune 27:58 Forging An Ancient Samurai Sword: The Art Of Making A Japanese Katana | BBC Documentary Similar videos 15:22 Hors-séries 番外編 The Japanese sword museum : Contemporary Swords and Artworks - July 24th, 2021 More results