How to live longer, according to science - BBC News Published 2023-08-19 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 06:18 Coffee and what it does to your body - BBC World Service 09:48 You can slow down aging with zero weird tricks | Dr Morgan Levine 07:03 Late nights: Bad for health?: BBC News Review 16:39 AI: What is the future of artificial intelligence? - BBC News 05:03 How stretching actually changes your muscles - Malachy McHugh 12:00 We Need to Rethink Exercise – The Workout Paradox 16:39 Why Japanese Live So Long ★ ONLY in JAPAN 06:58 Fast food: Bad for your brain?: BBC News Review 21:15 Man Dies, Discovers Ultimate Truth About Our Soul's Purpose on Earth, Consciousness & Oneness 02:59 Why you have an accent in a foreign language 13:21 Learn English with News | BBC, ABC News, and others 21:10 How to Slow Aging (and even reverse it) 16:19 This is How Humans Have Changed the World | Generation Earth | BBC Earth Science 06:43 How harmful can ultra-processed foods be for us? - BBC News 06:26 Can diet improve memory? BBC News Review 11:03 How Chinese EVs Are Taking Over Mexico 10:22 Anti-aging: Researchers might be closer than you think | DW News 02:21 Science rejuvenates woman's skin cells to 30 years younger - BBC News 18:15 Dr. Peter Attia: This Is What You Need to Do to Live Longer | Amanpour and Company Similar videos 34:41 Can ageing be delayed, stopped or even reversed? BBC News 07:09 Healthy living and DNA: BBC News Review 32:47 Is a vegan diet better for your health? - BBC World Service, CrowdScience podcast 02:48 The Science of Healthy Aging: Six Keys to a Long, Healthy Life 05:22 Weightlifting and strength exercises could help people live longer - BBC News 05:56 Naps: Good for your brain? BBC News Review 03:23 How diet can affect the brain - Eat, Fast, Live Longer - Horizon - BBC 05:42 "Unlocking the Secrets How Live Longer According to Science| BBC News" 12:30 The US tech millionaire trying to reverse his age - BBC News 15:54 Longevity: can ageing be reversed? 51:41 More life - Decoding the secret of aging | DW Documentary 05:04 How a vegan diet affects your brain – BBC REEL 01:44 Is Three Minutes of Exercise Enough? - Horizon: The Truth About Exercise - BBC Two 02:16 The secret behind long bone growth - The Human Body: Secrets of Your Life Revealed - Grow | BBC Two 26:23 Where does our fat go when we exercise? - CrowdScience, BBC World Service More results