Video blocked I was born with a different appearance and was abandoned by my biological parents. Eighteen years l Recommendations 51:40 I was born in a patriarchal family. I was not welcomed by my parents since I was a child. Finally 1:32:11 The 241129 roommate in Holland pretended to be the real daughter 19 1:21:23 I turned over 6 241029 on Holland 1:16:45 剛完婚老公就把癱瘓多年的公公接回家想盡辦法讓我去照顧:「你一個護士照顧誰不是照顧」轉頭還要我爸媽賣房給公公治病 早已做好反擊的我冷笑 #心書時光 #為人處事 #生活經驗 #情感故事 #唯美频道 #爽文 2:01:12 阿爹重病只剩一口氣 家裏只有5個銅板, 繼母聽到富商兒子重病 要人沖喜,她收下10兩銀子 把我賣了,村民笑我10歲就要守活寡,不料接下來 所有人傻眼了 47:33 剛和女兒從國外考察回家卻見所有婆家親戚齊聚一堂從不回家的老公摟著初戀對女兒道「這才是你親媽 當年的卵子是她的」轉頭嘲笑我蠢 #心書時光 #為人處事 #生活經驗 #情感故事 #唯美频道 #爽文 1:20:37 Just returned home I was recognized by my daughter-in-law as a mistress. On the day of engagement 1:59:04 On my 17th birthday I had just finished my meal. My father scolded me for cooking only a few dishe 54:38 我是靈界聖女兒子是下屆聖子而夫君和女兒卻都是凡人為了掩藏身份直到魔界突然發動戰爭 為了保護他們父女戰場上見到對面的魔界殺神和魔女這不是我夫君和兒女麼?#書林小說 #重生 #爽文 #情感故事 #唯美频道 1:14:47 Holland 241129 Hit Face 20 56:20 After I bought the lottery ticket and became rich. My parents came to me. They talked about their d 1:25:03 爸媽離婚後,我和妹妹住姑姑家,她們全家人吃肉,給我俩吃長綠霉的米麵,17年後我讓他們全傻眼#深夜淺讀 #為人處世 #生活經驗 #情感故事 58:08 結婚當天,公公帶100個親戚入席吃白食,還打包走了桌上所有硬菜,叫我一人上臺當眾訓話:婚後所有嫁妝應該拿來孝順公婆,不料我聽後一句話他傻眼了||笑看人生情感生活 1:01:24 After the death of the master fairy I lived alone in the mountains. Three years later my parents 1:12:59 Lotus 241125 White Cloud View Lord 06 1:19:35 媽媽把家裏四套房都給了弟弟,扔給我一席破衣說祖傳寶物。晚上我剛閉眼便被指引般,來到父母房前聽到:賠錢貨只配給兒子換彩禮。我起身回屋披上破衣,下秒數萬黑影乍現 跪拜認我鬼王#荷上清風 #爽文 39:39 我穿著集團保安服的照片曝光了女友當著她全家親戚面對我分手嘲諷做人力資源的同學摟著我女友道:「這個社會是就是弱肉強食」揚言開除我 #心書時光 #為人處事 #生活經驗 #情感故事 #唯美频道 #爽文 45:05 我是在大年初一夜裏出生,村裏人都祝賀我爸媽雙喜臨門,可他們卻罵我是賠錢貨帶晦氣,在去辦離婚的路上將我遺棄了,後來我收入千萬他們又想要我,找上門來我一句話卻嚇癱二人||笑看人生情感生活 1:10:27 Dutch 241127 Changed to Junior College 13 53:40 繼母奪走我媽留下的財產!還逼我嫁給瘸子總裁!婚禮當天眾人都在看我笑話!可看見總裁身上的玉墜 笑了!隨後一幕眾人徹底傻眼!#為人處世 #幸福人生#為人處世 #生活經驗 #情感故事#以房养老#婆媳故事 Similar videos 17:37 Biological Mother Abandoned Me at 10, So I Was Raised by an Amazing Surrogate. Now When I'm 18... 8:21:56 I was Raised in an Orphanage for 18 Years, Until My Teacher Told Me I was the Son of a Billionaire 25:15:13 I was born with 18 Supreme Bones, yet ruthlessly abandoned by my parents. 42:14 Parents Abandoned Baby With Facial Difference,18 Years Later They Attend Her Concert & Can't Believe 06:08 Man abandoned at birth by mom uses genetic genealogy to look for biological parents 09:08 Woman abandoned at birth in Jacksonville finally finds her birth parents 2:46:24 她在產房裡九死一生,渣男卻在VIP房陪護白月光生子,剛出生的萌寶見不得媽咪被渣爹欺負,通過心聲傳遞消息幫媽咪一路開掛!#ShortFilm#萌娃 10:52 For 13 Years, Mom Refuses To Birth Her Child Until The Father Returns 2:25:29 The Old Man And The Last Vampire | Full Audiobook | #audiobook #horror #creepypasta 03:50 Woman abandoned as a newborn in Jacksonville in 1992 is searching for her birth mother 9:38:58 My Non-Biological Brother and I Were Kidnapped: But My Biological Parents Chose to Save Him Over Me 2:00:39 Girl opened the CEO's shirt on first meeting due to the chest mole signifying her predestined lover. 01:01 Mom Can't leave her daughter even after death #shorts #viral #youtubeshorts #short 3:28:40 The young lady returns to the wealthy family and becomes the favorite of everyone. 12:29:03 After cutting off contact, the biological parents deeply regretted it.. 14:13 this baby was abandoned by her parents at birth 2:16:23 I give CEO myself to return his favor but pregnant with his 3 children, 6 years later he found me 1:33:10 【ENG SUB】18 years later, three brothers finally found their long-lost sister! Brother, take me home! 1:27:58 【ENG SUB】😽CEO Never Expected That Girl He Had Been Looking For For 18 Years is the Mom of His Child 1:29:16 【ENG SUB】😽I'm the long-lost heiress who has been away from home for 18 years💖Mom!take me home! More results