Implement CICD in Django with GitHub Actions Published 2022-06-25 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 22:08 CI CD наглядные примеры 41:05 GitHub Actions - Основы Автоматизации - DevOps - GitOps 15:21 Pro Django - Tutorial 8 - GitHub Actions and Workflows 35:18 GitHub Actions для CI/CD - mini курс за 30 минут 34:10 Применение практик CI/CD с использованием Github Actions на проекте Django 17:11 Pro Django - Tutorial 9 - CI/CD 32:31 GitHub Actions Tutorial - Basic Concepts and CI/CD Pipeline with Docker 1:25:47 GitHub Actions Tutorial | From Zero to Hero in 90 minutes (Environments, Secrets, Runners, etc) 49:07 How To Deploy Django App Over Kubernetes Cluster 36:08 Делаем Dockerfile для проекта Django и запускаем через docker compose 1:00:15 Django automated testing with GitHub Actions 14:34 How To Deploy Your Application To Azure Using GitHub Actions | CI/CD Pipeline 21:51 GitHub Actions Introduction Tutorial: How to Automate Python Django Framework 🚀 52:50 Django and Jenkins Integration | CI-CD Pipeline for Django Project | Python with CI/CD Pipeline 28:57 CI/CD Pipeline Project using AWS CodePipeline | CodeDeploy | Deploy Django Project 30:32 Elasticsearch with Django Tutorial 56:09 Django CICD with GitHub Actions 29:56 GitHub Actions (Branch Protection, Automated Testing) - Full Tutorial Similar videos 09:35 Github Actions continuous deployment pipeline for Django on Amazon ECS 14:19 Auto Deploy ( CI/CD ) Django Project Github to cPanel With Github Actions 14:04 Adding Github actions to django project 28:37 Auto Deploy Django with GitHub Actions CICD - Create Action Runner 32:11 Auto Deploy Django with GitHub Actions CICD - config, gunicorn, firewall, nginix 29:43 Auto Django CICD with GitHub Actions and Deploy to Server - Create Django Project part1 5:11:54 Deploy Django into Production with Kubernetes, Docker, & Github Actions. Complete Tutorial Series 36:52 Deploy Dockerize Django App on AWS ECS Fargate using GitHub Actions CI/CD Pipeline and Terraform 09:59 How to design a modern CI/CD Pipeline 15:13 Django CICD using github actions with ec2 instance 01:56 DevOps CI/CD Explained in 100 Seconds More results