Information: Individuation according to Simondon 1/8 Published -- Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 2:22:59 Earthworks and Waterpower 1/4 50:37 Einstein and Bergson on Time 2:27:17 Secrecy & Return of the Mystery Cults 1/4 1:52:11 The New Centre Programmers' Public Session - Fall/Winter 2024-25 2:33:18 On the Scissiparity of Geist:Reason & its Outside 1/4 1:08:15 Simondon's Concept of Individuation 24:07 AI can't cross this line and we don't know why. 12:33 Why Information Theory is Important - Computerphile 06:45 Bruno Latour, Gilbert Simondon and the Modes of Existence 1:31:07 Quantum Consciousness Debate: Does the Wave Function Actually Exist? | Penrose, Faggin & Kastrup 58:04 Metamodern Spirituality | Postmodern Philosophy and Beyond (w/ Stephen Hicks) 2:19:19 GPT for Arts & Humanities 1/8 06:17 Gilles Deleuze on Gilbert Simondon, Synesthesia, and the Body Without Organs 1:18:31 Roger Penrose's Mind-Bending Theory of Reality 1:25:11 Psychological Tricks: How To Spot a Liar | How To Read Anyone Instantly |David Snyder NLP-Skills 1:09:24 INDIVIDUATION: Becoming who we are meant to be 2:26:58 Being There & Not There 1/4 08:08 Gilbert Simondon - 'The Technical Object as Such' 11:02 The Mathematics of Consciousness Similar videos 2:01:56 a3 20201014 l04 part 1 2 tectonics to individuation 1:00:46 Cecile Malaspina - The Material Intellect: Simondon and the Individuation of Thought and Matter 2:54:50 Technē beyond Monoculture 1/8 1:04:41 Chiara Giaccardi & Mauro Magatti — Individuation as psychosocial generativity 15:52 INFJ -The Process of Individuation Part 1 8:12:04 Ambiente e Tecnica: Gilbert Simondon a cent'anni dalla nascita - 19/06/2024 21:47 Gilbert Simondon — Interview on mechanology (1968). Part 1/3 | English subtitles | На русском 1:38:28 Individuation in Light of Notions of Form & Information (Part II, Ch.1, Sec.3) (Aug. 8, no Aug. 1) 17:26 Gilbert Simondon | Wikipedia audio article 2:03:46 18. Preindividual, nature, technicity 2:15:41 Simondon & Technology 10:27 Gilbert Simondon — Interview on mechanology (1968) 2:53:46 Human Nature & the Technical Object, Reading Simondon 1/4 36:30 Discussion of Bernard Stiegler's "Simondon’s Notion of Information and Its Limits" 1:33:54 Individuation in Light of Notions of Form and Information (Part I, Chapter 3, Sec. 2) (June 6, 2021) 2:34:30 Ruining the Vibe: Resonance and Its Discontents 1/8 01:19 Transduction/Simondon/Claymation 1:34:51 Carl Jung On Becoming Yourself - Individuation More results