Video blocked Intro to Alpha Carbon Chemistry + Enol/Enolate Formation (Worksheet Solutions Walkthrough) Recommendations 18:31 The Grignard Reaction (Worksheet Solutions Walkthrough) 14:27 Intro to the Alpha Carbon--Enolates and Enols 12:20 Enols and Enolates - Reactivity, Halogenation, and Alkylation: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #43 37:14 Ester Enolates Rxns, Mechanism, and Synthesis Practice (Worksheet Solutions Walkthrough) 16:45 21.1 Acidity of the Alpha Hydrogen | Organic Chemistry 11:40 Determining How Substituted Carbons Are 36:11 Substitution/Elimination Practice (Worksheet Solutions Walkthrough) 1:44:30 CHM 204 Ch 22: Alpha Carbon Chemistry - Enols and Enolates 33:11 Rxn Practice of Ketones & Aldehydes, Part 1. Getting Them Down (Walkthrough) 06:07 Kinetic vs Thermodynamic Enolate Formation 39:07 Synthesis Practice and MORE Benzene Rxn Practice (Worksheet Solutions Walkthrough) 13:56 Enolate Reactions - Direct Alkylation of Ketones With LDA 13:56 Enolate Ion Formation and Stability of Alpha Acidic Hydrogen 08:49 Regioselective Enolization and Thermodynamic vs. Kinetic Control 20:55 Drawing Diels Alder Transition States (Worksheet Solutions Walkthrough) 19:32 Reactions with and Attacking Epoxides (Worksheet Solutions Walkthrough) 09:43 Nucleophilic Attack Using the Alpha Carbon 1:13:37 Exam 3, Organic Chemistry I Live Review (2022) 13:27 The Aldol Reaction (Basic Conditions) 06:44 Alpha Halogenation of Ketones Similar videos 39:09 Enolate Practice 48:25 More Challenging Alpha Carbon Rxn and Synthesis Practice (Worksheet Solutions Walkthrough) 02:27 Formation of Enolates 04:25 base selection for making ester enolates 24:39 completing enolate reactions - alkylations & aldol reactions 30:46 Alpha Carbon Synthesis Practice 01:15 Enolate Chemistry of Esters Playlist Introduction 1:11:24 enolates, alpha carbon, pKa comparison, haloform rxn, decarbox., hydrolysis, claisen/dieckmann cond. 57:45 Lecture7 EnolatesPartII 1:00:27 Aldol and Claisen Enolate Reactions (Live Recording) Organic Chemistry Review & Practice Session 25:36 Alpha Carbon Chemistry Review (and Synthesis Strategies) 23:37 Enolates Part 1a 02:34 alpha-carbon reaction flexibility 09:04 Enolate Chemistry - Michael's Reaction 07:19 Ester Enolates and Claisen I More results