Just Transitions in Coal Dependent Communities Published 2021-11-03 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 59:49 Panel discussion: what is a ‘just transition’ to net zero and how do we achieve it? 1:01:37 Rising Coups in Africa: The Road Ahead 08:10 What is a 'just transition' and why does it matter? 12:47 Energy justice: who gets listened to? | Erin Baker | TEDxAmherst 54:38 Pursued Economy: Understanding and Overcoming the Challenging New Realities for Advanced Economies 1:31:33 Russia as a Strategic Threat: Ukraine, NATO, and Beyond Europe 17:47 CSIS Visits Taiwan 3:49:36 CNBC price updates: Jamie Dimon, markets and Microsoft's new initiative - (9/24/2018) 08:54 Inside China’s Property Crisis 20:06 Possible Signs of Life on Another Planet 3:36:55 NOAM CHOMSKY - THE GHOST IN THE MACHINE 09:20 What are 'just transitions' for people and environment affected by mining in India? 1:06:36 Iran's Path Forward: Civil Society's Lessons Learned on the Anniversary of Mahsa Amini's Killing 05:25 What a "just transition" to green economy would look like, and why the end of coal is complicated? 51:42 Timothy Snyder: The Making of Modern Ukraine. Class 14. Interwar Poland’s Ukrainians 1:02:16 What Does This War Mean for the Future of Mankind and Today’s Civilization? 1:05:04 Integration of the U.S. Missile Defense Enterprise 3:54:12 Wolfram Physics Project: Relations to Category Theory 3:00:39 Rick Rubin: How to Access Your Creativity | Huberman Lab Podcast 2:45:20 The 2022 Holberg Debate w/ John Mearsheimer and Carl Bildt: Ukraine, Russia, China and the West Similar videos 04:32 Understanding Just Transitions in Coal-Dependent Communities: South Africa 02:01 Understanding Just Transitions in Coal-Dependent Communities: India 1:25:16 Just Transitions in Coal Communities - NYC Climate Week (22 September 2022) 01:53 Just transitions, explained 03:30 Just Transitions 29:47 Beyond COP26: Just Transitions 03:14 Ensuring 'Just Transitions' for Fossil Fuel Workers | Opinions | NowThis 12:27 The just transition ought to be more about justice than energy | Daylin Paul | TEDxJohannesburg 01:10 CIF's Accelerating Coal Transition (ACT) Investment Program 1:41:51 Environmental Justice for Coal Country: Supporting Communities Through the Energy Transition 1:19:15 EnC Just Transition Forum 2022 - Panel 1: Coal phase-out and just transition in coal regions 06:49 The Just Transition | Spotlight EP 9, Earthrise x Bloomberg 07:20 Why the Just Transition is Important for South Africa and Business | Shamini Harrington | TEDxBUSA 02:13 'The Just Energy Transition Partnership', a plan to fund South Africa's transition away from coal 1:18:48 Energy Transitions in Coal Country More results