Lance Fortnow, A personal view of the P versus NP problem Published 2020-10-28 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 42:33 Beyond Computation: The P versus NP question (panel discussion) 1:27:23 Das Millennium-Problem "P versus NP" - Einführung, Geschichte und Bedeutung des Problems 02:50 Proving P=NP Requires Concepts We Don't Have | Richard Karp and Lex Fridman 07:58 Are There Problems That Computers Can't Solve? 06:16 The Math Problem With a $1 Million Prize for Solving 45:47 R8. NP-Complete Problems 2:19:34 Grant Sanderson (3Blue1Brown) | Unsolvability of the Quintic | The Cartesian Cafe w/ Timothy Nguyen 05:49 P vs NP on TV - Computerphile 3:15:38 What is ChatGPT doing...and why does it work? 1:22:27 "Rätselhaft und bislang unbewiesen: Die Vermutung von Birch und Swinnerton-Dyer" Prof. Sarah Zerbes 59:41 Timothy Gowers, The importance of mathematics 1:47:13 Bjarne Stroustrup: C++ | Lex Fridman Podcast #48 10:44 NP-Complete Explained (Cook-Levin Theorem) 3:33:03 Deep Learning: A Crash Course (2018) | SIGGRAPH Courses 06:08 What is the P versus NP problem? 10:53 What Makes Mario NP-Hard? (Polynomial Reductions) 1:12:56 Lecture 1A: Overview and Introduction to Lisp 31:23 Concurrency is not Parallelism by Rob Pike 1:48:01 David Silver: AlphaGo, AlphaZero, and Deep Reinforcement Learning | Lex Fridman Podcast #86 39:33 P=NP? Similar videos 07:35 What is the P vs NP Problem? 03:19 Can we prove P=NP and not find the algorithm? | Scott Aaronson and Lex Fridman 06:33 The odds that P=NP is 3% | Scott Aaronson and Lex Fridman 38:51 P vs NP 01:56 Cook thinks that P does not equal NP. 04:21 Does P=NP? | Richard Karp and Lex Fridman 04:41 Advanced Data Structures: P vs. NP 10:18 Data Structures & Algorithms - Complexity Analysis - P vs NP 06:39 Thirty years of the Computational Complexity Conferece 01:04 A proof that P doesn't equal to NP 01:04 Cook explains why P=NP matters. 16:26 NP-Completeness | Richard Karp and Lex Fridman 04:58 Hartmanis on nondeterminism and its relationship to P=NP. 07:11 Complexity Vidcast 1 03:49 P versus NP problem Proof 16:04 CS 5720 L23 05 Resolving P vs NP More results