Made in the USA | The History of the Integrated Circuit Published 2019-10-14 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 41:47 The Impact of Integrated Circuits, lecture by Robert Noyce 29:52 Fairchild Briefing on Integrated Circuits 15:14 AMERICAN EXPERIENCE | Silicon Valley Chapter 1 | PBS 18:11 How Amateurs created the world´s most popular Processor (History of ARM Part 1) 15:41 391 San Antonio Rd.—A Semiconductor Documentary 59:19 The Evolution of Computing [Documentary] (Vacuum Tube to Transistor to Integrated Circuit) 27:48 How are Microchips Made? 🖥️🛠️ CPU Manufacturing Process Steps 17:33 Why renewables can’t save the planet | Michael Shellenberger | TEDxDanubia 17:25 How Texas Became The American Chipmaking Hub 19:59 New Disruptive Microchip Technology and The Secret Plan of Intel 53:26 Computer Pioneers: Pioneer Computers Part 1 13:42 The History of Computing 35:38 The Failure of Modern Technology | Peter Thiel 16:47 A Brief History of Pi 15:11 How Tesla Reinvented The Electric Motor 20:06 Architecture All Access: Transistor Technology | Intel Technology 21:10 Why Einstein Couldn’t Get a Job for 9 Years 19:43 Nvidia's Breakthrough AI Chip Defies Physics (GTC Supercut) 32:00 Why Thorium will be a Game-Changer in Energy 18:56 Why The First Computers Were Made Out Of Light Bulbs Similar videos 02:29 12th September 1958: The world's first integrated circuit (aka microchip) demonstrated by Jack Kilby 10:01 History of Integrated Circuits: The Foundation of Modern Society 20:35 How Malaysia is becoming the next global chip giant 05:35 How are microchips made? 12:41 Jack Kilby - Integrated Circuit and Patent 3138743 08:12 Transistors - The Invention That Changed The World 06:35 The Entire World Relies on a Machine Made by ONE Company 07:37 History of world semiconductor integrated circuit development 28:11 Gordon Moore: Behind the Ubiquitous Microchip 57:29 The Machine that Changed the World: Inventing the Future 19:48 Visiting the Computer Museum of America 1:26:19 The Complete History of the Home Microprocessor 09:37 The Transistor: a 1953 documentary, anticipating its coming impact on technology 08:36 The Chip That Jack Built 19:53 How the Integrated Circuit Took Us to the Moon 13:50 Integrated Circuits & Moore’s Law: Crash Course Computer Science #17 00:14 The Right Way To Use A Solder Braid During PCB Repair! More results