Video blocked Malzahar but my R drains 100% of your HP instantly (MAX DAMAGE) Recommendations 3:43:42 Teemo but I have max attack speed and fire darts like a Minigun (ON-HIT BUILD) 30:04 Malzahar but my E does 100% of your HP in seconds (Mega Burn Build) 3:29:18 PLAYING THE NEW LEAGUE SEASON 15 MAP FOR NEARLY 4 HOURS! 31:08 Malzahar but my ult has no cooldown and you can't play the game (ULT 2X PER FIGHT) 2:10:25 Practicing Cait and trying a new build path 43:02 Malzahar but my voidlings clear the jungle for me (IT ACTUALLY WORKS?) 49:48 Fiddlesticks but I jump scare this poor Yasuo the entire game (HE DIES 13 TIMES LOL!) 1:53:12 HOW MALZAHAR CAN EASILY GET YOU TO DIAMOND | UNRANKED TO DIAMOND GUIDE SEASON 14 1:03:15 I FOUND MY NEW MAIN CHAMPION... AND HE'S SO BROKEN! 21:14 AD MALZAHAR SUMMONS VOIDLINGS TO TICKLE ENEMY TO DEATH STRATEGY 30:10 Veigar but my auto attacks scale INFINITELY with my AP... (THIS IS 100% GENIUS) 54:57 I beat this Aatrox so bad he loses it and reports me for cheating... (HE WAS SO MAD) 3:49:34 Morgana but my Bind is UPGRADED! (FREEZE + SNARE) 57:01 RENGAR JUST GOT HUGE DAMAGE BUFFS! (ULT = KILL) 3:29:16 THE NEW VIKTOR REWORK IS INSANE (MASSIVE ULTIMATE UPGRADE) 32:13 The enemy jungler was trash talking... so I had to shut him up with a Pentakill 33:01 This guy thought Soraka top was a free win, but he didn’t know my secret 2:26:56 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN A CHALLENGER PLAYS ARAM FOR 2 HOURS (7 PENTAKILLS!) 33:12 WINNING WITH MALZAHAR IS SO HARD - S14 Malzahar MID Gameplay Guide 54:47 When collector Morgana gets a PENTAKILL with one ability (MY BURNS EXECUTE YOU) Similar videos 26:09 PRESS E AND WATCH EVERYONE BURN! MAX DOT MALZAHAR IS 100% AMAZING - League of Legends 31:20 This champion deletes you with one button... and has zero counterplay (But Who?!) 2:52:03 How to ACTUALLY Climb to Diamond in 3 Hours in League of Legends with MALZAHAR [Season 14] 25:59 This is 100% the MOST CHEESE Renekton strategy to ABUSE! 32:07 PENTA-BURN YORICK WILL MELT YOUR WHOLE HEALTH BAR IN SECONDS (ULTRA DOTS) - League of Legends 26:09 Morgana but my Pools are Rings of Fire that melt your HP Fast 23:05 THIS CHAMPION HAS THE BEST KITING IN THE GAME! (BUT WHO IS IT?) - League of Legends 42:17 The Absolute BEST Cassiopeia Game You Will Ever See (Legit 1v5) 28:09 YORICK BUT MAIDEN CAN LITERALLY SOLO KILL THE ENEMIES (SHE DRAINS THEIR SOULS) 36:23 ONE BLITZCRANK E DOES 1500 DAMAGE WITH FULL CRIT BLITZCRANK! (HILARIOUS) - League of Legends 37:21 MANA BATTERY KASSADIN DOES OVER 2K DAMAGE WITH R?! ONE SHOT ON REPEAT - League of Legends 34:22 NOBODY KNOWS THAT AD SYLAS IS BROKEN! (YOU CAN NEVER DUEL HIM) 28:16 MY FULL TANK VEIGAR BUILD MAKES ENEMY RUMBLE RAGE IN ALL CHAT - League of Legends 26:22 HOW TO PLAY MALZAHAR MID & SOLO CARRY In Season 10 | Malzahar Guide S10 - League Of Legends 28:07 I TRIED PINK WARD'S AP SHACO TOP AND IT'S 100% AMAZING - League of Legends 14:33 Health Champions: A Forgotten Archetype? | League of Legends 29:40 HEAL THROUGH ANYTHING WITH THIS IMMORTAL SWAIN BUILD! (R HEALS 5000 DAMAGE) - League of Legends 27:12 IVERN MID IS THE ULTIMATE HARRASSER! ON-HIT IVERN AUTOS DO CRAZY DAMAGE - League of Legends 52:26 HOW TO PLAY KASSADIN & CARRY FOR BEGINNERS + BEST BUILD/RUNES | Kassadin Guide Season 12 LoL More results